The BEST 10 Perks For SOLO QUEUE! – Dead By Daylight

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Which perk is your favourite solo q perk?
#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdsurvivor #dbdperks #dbdmemes

Marshmallow – By Lukrembo

Intro 0:00
1. Deliverance – 0:35
2. Bond – 2:09
3. Windows Of Opportunity – 2:51
4. Better Together – 3:53
5. Lucky Break – 5:00
6. Off The Record – 6:06
7. Deja Vu – 7:34
8. Kindred – 9:06
9. Unbreakable – 10:36
10. Lithe – 12:21
End – 14:23


Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build.


20 thoughts on “The BEST 10 Perks For SOLO QUEUE! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I personally don’t think Deliverance is good for solo queue, because nobody knows you have it so they come to unhook you anyway – so it feels bad to unhook yourself and have them waste that time getting to you. Plus it’s sort of better to be unhooked by someone anyway because they can heal you. So, by and large, I find that Deliverance works best in swf.

  2. Kindred is almost essential for solo queue. I sort of wish the game would make it base kit when it knows you’re not playing with any friends. I know killers would hate that idea, but it would help close the gap between solo and swf’s able to say what’s going on after someone is hooked.

  3. I’ve started using Overcome, as killer often don’t want to chase after a hit when it seems like you’ve zoomed off with sprint burst. Paired with lucky break and that’s a solid combo for those not great in chase too.

  4. Excellent video Mew. As for what build I’ve been finding myself use in Solo Queue as of late, it would definitely have to be Lithe, Windows, DS and Off The Record. Main reason for running double Anti Tunnel Perks is simply because I’m tired of getting tunneled with no counter play. If ima get tunneled, then they’re going to have to work for that kill. Also DS into Lithe is a very nice combo!

  5. I honestly feel like Empathy is a great perk in Solo queue, it is more or less similar to Bond and if you pair it with We’ll Make It or Botany Knowledge it can be so, so great for keeping your team safe and healthy, plus it can let you more or less monitor others’ chases. Also oops looks like you accidentally used the For The People perk icon for Off The Record haha

  6. My solo Q build is Overcome – to break line of sight and put distance, Lucky Break – with overcome to break line sight and to also to lose the chase, botany knowledge – heal myself or other to regain my lucky break charge now the last one is between bite the bullet for silent heal or self care for healing myself

  7. Hi guys, pinned comment here: someone pointed out I used the wrong perk image for OFF THE RECORD, i did this in the thumbnail too! i accidentally put FOR THE PEOPLE, i apologise, i am quite sick with tummy aches rn and should have caught on to that but I didn't my apologies!

  8. I agree with everything except deliverance, I’ve been on DBD for about 7 years or so and it’s actually rare that nobody comes and saves me…….well not actually super rare but it doesn’t happen often enough for me to use a perk slot on it.

  9. That's a good video idea as it provides great information for the new players. Lately, I've been using a solo-q build that really benefits only you. Although it's a bit selfish, you probably have more chances of escaping: Sole survivor, Dead Hard, Left Behind, Pharmecy. Even though you need a teammate to unhook you, you can decide if it's worth playing selfish or helping everyone escape.

  10. Mew’s got a lovely voice and I enjoy her videos and shooting the breeze about DBD tactics. Sometimes we agree or disagree, but that’s part of the fun discussion. I’m exclusively a solo survivor so… "In My Humble Opinion"…

    Kindred: This is locked as my first perk on ALL builds. You know what the other two are up to and where they are, and this allow you to make intelligent plays every time. There’s just too many to list. And despite recent updates, the info it gives your team [who may or may not be solo themselves] is just as vital. Lithe, OT Record, Windows: These are all good choices, solo or not.

    Bond and Deja: Underrated! I’ll talk more about Bond in a bit, but Deja allows you to watch out for “3 genning” (much rarer these days but still, you want the final gens spread out to make them harder to patrol). Even better, when there are 1 or 2 gens left and you’re in chase, run somewhere the gens are NOT. Killers don’t like chasing in areas where they can’t simultaneously pressure gens and are likely to leave you alone.

    Unbreakable/Deliverance: Overrated! Well, Unbreakable is an amazing perk! When you run it, it guarantees you’ll never be slugged! Deliverance is almost as bad. It has all the problems Mew mentioned, and the fact that there’s often [not always] a teammate nearby who will unhook and heal you on first hook anyway – so you don’t have to be broken. TBF I’ve seen matches saved by both these perks, but it’s so rare and so situational it’s ultimately a waste of a slot. Better Together/Lucky Break: Decent enough. Bond does a better job than Better Together. YOU need to go to THEM. They often won’t come to you.

    I want to say thank you to Mew for this vid, have a lovely day.

  11. Agreed on these, an honorable mention for me personally is Distortion. Granted, there are games where a killer won't be running any aura-reading perks so you can have 3 stacks the whole match without losing them so it just occupies a perk slot in that instance. That said, I have countered Lethal to prevent being the first survivor found. As well as BBQ and Chili. And recently, it has been very effective for me against Friends Til The End. You will still get exposed from Friends of course but it does keep your aura from being shown. The number of times Distortion has bailed me out is an understatement. Has helped me enjoy solo queue, but I love your choices as well. Off The Record is definitely another I run sometimes, but if the killer really wants me bad, they have to earn it, so I do make it a rule for myself to never feed the killer my ability to take a free hit. I do want second chance perks to only come into play when I really need them.

  12. Me personally I like wicked over deliverance cuz it shows aurus of the killer when u get unhook or unhook ur self and I like strength in shadows to heal myself sun most of the tim I play solo my teammates are no where to be found but that just my opinion

  13. a perk i never see anyone talk about is any means necessary. it lets you see the auras of dropped pallets which kinda acts like a windows/alert info perk because you know where people are being chased and what resources have been used.

    resetting pallets doesn’t get as much consistent value as that info for me, but it’s always nice to have the safety of a few extra resources, and it does sometimes make the difference. it also synergizes well with some other pallet perks like lithe, smash hit, or chem trap.

    i like it because it’s one of those rare perks that works really well just on its own and i feel like i always get value. even if i never reset any pallets, knowing where stuff is going down is really comfy, and i like that it’s not a perk that does only that. it reminds me a bit of wicked with the unhook aura read being a consistent benefit and the self unhook in basement sometimes coming in clutch

  14. I have a question actually. Right now im using Windows, Autodidact, Solidarity and Bond. I really enjoy Autodidact and i find that its really good with solidarity, then i use windows for chasing, and bond for tracking down teammates/avoiding them when in chase.

    But should I replace something for an exhaustion perk? Or is my build okay as is? I've considered replacing Windows but im honestly not a good player anymore lol so im not sure what to do.


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