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Survivors have a lot of perks, but what is the best perk in each category? Watch this video to see my opinion!

00:00 Exhaustion Perks
00:15 BEST: Dead Hard
01:06 WORST: Smash Hit
01:43 Information Perks (Aura Based)
01:50 BEST: Kindred
03:03 WORST: Buckle Up
04:30 Support Perks
04:39 BEST: Reassurance
05:32 WORST: Corrective Action
06:19 Stealth Perks
06:27 BEST: Distortion
07:30 WORST: Low Profile
08:12 Buff Perks
08:20 BEST: Prove Thyself
09:00 Worst: Up The Ante
10:13 Utility Perks
10:19 BEST: Built To Last
11:04 WORST: Red Herring
11:51 Survival Perks
12:02 BEST: Off The Record
12:34 WORST: Reactive Healing
13:04 Aggresive Perks
13:12 BEST: Blast Mine
13:55 WORST: Residual Manifest
14:45 Altruism Perks
14:55 BEST: We Are Gonna Live Forever
15:33 WORST: Autodidact
16:10 Anti-Slug Perks
16:19 BEST: Unbreakable
17:05 WORST: Tenacity
17:45 Boon Totems
17:54 BEST: Circle of Healing
18:43 WORST: Dark Manifest
19:25 Meme Perks
19:42 BEST: No Mither
20:18 WORST: No Mither
20:54 Endgame Perks
20:59 BEST: Adrenaline
21:31 WORST: Left Behind

#dbd #intothefog #dead_by_daylight


48 thoughts on “The BEST and WORST PERKS in EACH CATEGORY (SURVIVORS) Dead By Daylight”

  1. You are not wrong about No Mither in that when you are Exposed it doesn't matter. What you got wrong is that in some instances No Mither is actually the counterplay to Exposed.

    For example, imagine Myers gets his EW3 on a healthy survivor, and right as he lunges, you step out and sponge the hit. Now that survivor runs off and Myers is left with a choice. Stop chase and take this free hook or continue to chase with my EW3 and get a down on a healthy survivor? Other survivors know they don't need to come get you, and killer knows they lose you if they take that chase. But they might do it to get value from their exposed. If they don't even get that then you just denied them a HUGE snowball. All because they found the guy that was already injured when they wanted a healthy survivor.

    You basically force killers to tunnel you so the others can rush gen and escape. When you play No Mither correctly you are playing to die as like the free one while everyone else gets out.

  2. Left behind is a great perk in my opinion. I've had so many situations of being the last one left and not being able to find the hatch and this perk has saved my butt a few times

  3. I have found great success with using Low Profile to get hatch. I know I'm being "That Teammate" that everyone hates, but there are like 30 tome challenges in this game that require hatch, and if everyone dies, I'm getting it. (Usually I just have it on when I have hatch challenge and only leave my teammates sometimes. Usually I try to play normally until hatch comes into play)

  4. I get Tier 3 from Myers popped on me so much when I have No Mither for some reason. Without No Mither I'll get a pop here and there, but with No Mither 80% of the Michaels I face Pop Tier 3 on me. It's so confusing.

  5. Luck also applies to escaping bear traps, I believe, so basically, it’s only a semi-valid buff against trapper, go figure the weakest killer in the game has a survivor buff that only affects them

  6. Bond is a really good information perk because you can easily tell where the killer is in solo queue if a teammate is in chase also it is an easy bloodpoint farm method by seeing if anyone needs healing or healing

  7. Residual can be useful if you may not time a flashlight save properly so it hides hooks and it can hide gens too if the killer doesn't know where they are

  8. Low Profile is actually a lot more useful than I think you're giving it credit for in this video, but I think it's because a lot of people don't know Low Profile triggers ANY time you are the only person not in the dying state. This means if you get a sluggy Killer, and you're still up–now you leave no pools of blood, no noise, no scratch marks for a minute and a half. I've been running it off and on (ironically in lieu of Distortion after I got like 4 matches with Myers/Ghostface in a row, I decided to try Low Profile since I couldn't get my Distortion stacks back) and legit out the gate the first match I had I got four procs off it in a single match.

    If you REALLY wanna be spicy, you could run both Distortion and Low Profile but that's two slots dedicated to not getting found, so I can't say I recommend it, lol

  9. How dare you! Autodidact is absolutely legendary! I love that perk… On a more serious note: Perhaps Autodidact should get a buff and/or rework.

    Rework Idea
    • Autodidact
    For every successful Good Skill Check completed while healing a Survivor, you receive a Token for a maximum of 3/4/5 Tokens. Each Token grants you a +5% bonus progression for a successful Good Skill Check while healing Survivors. For each token gained, the chances of a skill check happening goes up by 5/10/15/20/25%. For every successful Great Skill Check hit, bonus progression of 30% is applied to the healing progress but you do not gain stacks.

    Autodidact is active when using a Med-Kit to heal others, but not yourself.

  10. i love how everyone in the comments are saying this perk is better and here's why…. i'm gonna join them

    Exhaust Perk
    Best: Dead Hard (self explanatory)
    Worst: Balanced Landing
    Balanced Landing is completely reliant on the map, you could be playing on a map like the game where this perk can do a lot or you could be using this on a map like sheltered woods where you will get zero usage unless u abuse the stairway of basement, with smash hit you can at least synergize it with perks like parental guidance for no scratch marks while you could be using balanced landing on eyrie which is really good but you're getting looped around the corner of the map which then makes the perk redundant.

    Information Perks
    Best: Bond
    Bond is the Jack of all trades, Master of none perk which is why i consider it the best for this category, it always works, it can give you a ton of info and can't be disabled (unless you're inflicted with blindness debuff) there's a list of things bond can help you with which is why i consider it the best
    Worst: Buckle Up (self explanatory)

    Support Perks
    Best: Empathic Connection
    Many players can argue against this and it's their opinion plus the support category is very diverse with perks that help with gens to anti camping etc, while perks like reassurance and borrowed time are great, empathic connection imo is just better because the other perks rely on killers playing certain tactics, similar to bond, I favour consistency over sheer strength, Reassurance relies on killers camping for it's value while Borrowed time relies on tunnelling, empathic connection relies on the killer actually injuring survivors to work which happens MUCH more often.
    Worst: Corrective Action
    Also Self explanatory, a good buff for this perk is for it to also work on the player as well similar to technician

    Stealth Perks
    Best: Distortion/Lightweight
    I know that there should be one decision but they're both extremely good for extremely different reasons and scenario's, Distortion Can relay what aura perks killers are running e.g. if you lose a token at the beginning of a match you know the killer has lethal, survivor is hooked and distortion goes off? bbq and chili etc, while distortion can help you identify killer perks, lightweight is great in practical scenario's with halving the duration scratch marks are visible for while also spreading scratch marks further apart, killers have a much harder time finding you and if you make distance in a chase, it makes their job more difficult too, especially on smaller maps
    Worst: Low Profile
    Any perk that needs one person to work is bad

    Buff Perks
    Best: Vigil (prove thyself honourable mention)
    i'm gonna be killed for saying this but personally i think Vigil is slightly better than prove thyself even though they're both incredible perks, why do i think vigil is better? easy, while prove thyself can provide a gen speed buff as well as a bp bonus (which i'll exclude from this because that doesn't affect matches), it requires more than one person to work, although it's buff is strong, all the gen speed bonus really does is mitigate the reduced gen progression for each survivor, vigil can counter certain killer perks as well as buffing exhaustion perks, this also works for survivors within a general distance to you, this can allow certain builds to work and can sometimes save you from getting downed.
    Worst: up the ante
    Self Explanatory

    Utility Perks (Don't change I agree Entirely)

    Survival Perks
    Best: Off the record
    I hate off the record as a survivor player, all it does is make sweaty survivors spend 80 seconds wasting their time trying to provoke killers, the only reason why it's the best is because 80 seconds is absurd >:C
    Honourable Mention: Reactive Healing
    Reactive healing is Surprisingly good BUT requires some way of self healing to be useful, in a normal match no more than 2 survivors should ever be hit within 32m of you hence why the 50% of current health isn't much of a problem, secondly if you run a perk like self care with this, one hit within 32m will instantly shave off 23 seconds which can be really strong in some scenario's
    Worst: Deliverance/Technician
    Before i get Killed i need to remind people that i prefer consistency over strength, while deliverance is an extremely strong perk, it's consistency is a huge problem, technician would be a good perk but it's 8m reduction in volume is disabled if another survivor without technician is on the gen which is it's main problem. Deliverance requires you to unhook a survivor to activate and once deliverance is activated if you haven't been hooked you can unhook yourself but suffer from the broken status affect for 60 seconds, if you're hooked before the perk is activated, it's now useless, you unhook someone but you aren't hooked, useless, and even if you are hooked, in most scenario's it's better to just wait for someone to unhook you because being broken for 60 seconds is a lot of time.
    Aggressive Perks
    Best: Flashbang
    Flashbang is the best mainly because all the perks in this category aren't necessarily amazing, at least with flashbang it requires you to work on a gen and can be used after stunning a killer for an easy blind that lasts longer than flashlight blinds
    Worst: Residual manifest
    Blindness on killer isn't amazing plus flashlight nerf and yellow flashlight, all of it is bad

    Altruism perks
    Best For the People/Botany Knowledge/Desperate measures
    this is the only time there will be 3 perks that will be tied, this is because altruism arguably has the strongest perks
    For the people can be game changing since it can instantly revive downed people, it also has a ton of synergy but is an extremely difficult perk to properly use
    Botany Knowledge is the strongest healing perk since it always works and works extremely well
    Desperate measures can provide a stronger healing bonus than botany knowledge but cannot do it reliably, the reason why I consider it equally as good is because after the perk reworks a few months ago killers can now recover from attacks faster than a survivor can unhook, this is the only perk that can now deny that (to my knowledge)
    Worst: We're Gonna live forever
    this is here because every perk here is good, i just think relative to the others this perk falls behind, mainly because it relies on slugging

    Anti Slugging
    Best: unbreakable
    Worst: Flip Flop
    i love flip flop but it requires synergy to work and only a 50% conversion isn't enough to be good in nearly all scenario's

    Boons (same)

    Endgame Perks
    Best: Hope
    it's just a little better than adrenaline since hope is permanent now
    Worst: Left Behind

  11. id say that yun jins perk is the worst stealth one. it hides your scratch marks when someone else gets hit, when the killer is focused on the teammate rather than you anyways. Ive seen really good plays with low profile.

  12. Kindred has always been one of my favourite perks, and once I got my hands on Ace's Open-Handed, it got so much better
    Being able to see killers 32m around a hook is so useful; I run them together in as many loadouts I can

  13. I don’t like the criticisms of Smash Hit. While yes, Pallets are limited, I think it’s fitting because of the perks requirement. It’s 4 Seconds of Sprint Burst, but you have to consider the extra distance Survivors gain due to the time that it takes for the Killer to go through the stun, and break/walk around the pallet.

    Furthermore, the perk can be annoying to the psych of Killers who brought builds centered around devouring pallets, because it can render them useless. A Killer with Enduring/Spirit Fury or Brutal Strength isn’t rewarded for running their perks if a Survivor with Smash Hit gets the pallet stun on them.

    I think Smash Hit, while definitely not as high risk and reward as Dead Hard is still a very strong perk to have. And while you won’t always get value from it, the value that you do get is big.

  14. I agree that buckle up is the worst info perk in the game but I’ll say at least half of you mfs need it in your load out. The amount of times a survivor has tried to pick me up mid chase and die because of that is insane

  15. "You saw a Coconut Video featuring this perk!"

    I have never thought to use that perk on Bill, I had used it before the video had came up but it was on Yui! But Low Profile is definitely a perk with potential

  16. For me the worst stealth perk is Iron Will, it used to be one of the strongest perks in the game after the Spirit was introduced, and now it only gives 75% silence, which might as well be nothing considering killers who rely on sound like Spirit, Ghostface and now the Knight play with the headset on 200% volume so they'll still hear you, and with the new Off the Record it might as well be deleted from the game.

  17. Boon: Dark Theory is great when operating alongside Boon: Shadow Step in a jungle gym or similar where you can break line of sight, almost guaranteeing even the greenest of n00bs to make distance on the killer. I'd say Boon: Exponential is worse just because of how inconsistent it can be, barely getting any value in solo queue and yet potentially breaking the game with a coordinated SWF all body-blocking hooks in its area of effect.

  18. There’s no way you said that 1 DH is better than SB cuz that’s debatable at best but not really and 2 that’s it’s better than old DH lmao old DH removed all counterplay this perk just allows you to gain ground on bad killers often and almost never on good killers unless they get put into a decision where the have ti swing lol that’s not better than old DH

  19. For the longest time I’ve been hoping for some sort of in-game categorizations for the perks to organize them a bit better, but considering they can’t even add a search bar for the perks, I think this is the closest we’re gonna get lol. Fantastic video btw 🙂

  20. Autodidact is actually underrated af, you just need to swf or use some aura reading perk to find the guy quickly.
    Imagine how you counter sloppy?
    At 5 stacks it's literally half the progress and it's not limited you can 2tap full health state.
    First 2 negative skill checks is actually a blessing, it gives you more time to get other 3 skill checks.
    Fun mini game
    You like numbers? It gives 5
    Free win if you get it early
    Comes with 2 other God tier perks and 6.4 stealth machine of a dude.

  21. I have to disagree with your opinion on left behind, its clear you play in high mmr and/or with friends. Most of my games are filled with terrible players who are incompetent, toxic or disconnect spontaneously while killers will tunnel you if they see you perform well. I had many games with those idiotic teams that i just cant play without left behind, it almost guarantees i can salvage a bad game and not get punished for having a terrible team, it also helps that i run plunderers instinct too and find many keys but often they dont close the hatch, even if they do, if i have a key then its very good because they never expect you to have a key and then call you a cheater(it happend) 😛

  22. SMASH HIT?? It's my go-to exhaustion perk because i combine it with windows and parental guidance. I'd have to argue that balanced landing or overcome is the worst exhaustion perk because there are many maps especially indoor maps where the "great heights" needed for balanced are hard to reach depending on where you're looping the killer. and overcome legit relies on you being hit first for it to activate.


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