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The best Hag build showcase! | Dead by Daylight
This build on Hag is DISGUSTING to go against as a survivor.
You are forcing them to go to another objective which isn’t a generator but… YOU have it trapped !!
If they don’t want to do totems no worries, stealth hag mode ACTIVATES.
Watch how nasty this build can be with some practice!! I hope you found this build guide useful!
Build guide (0:00)
Gameplay 1 (9:05)
Gameplay 2 (19:58)
The spicy thumbnail was done by a very talented artist who’s done tons of work for this channel in the past!
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Ending Music by: – “Blues”
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DbD #BHVR #Legion
early gang ayyy
Hi can you do the worst killer build video?
Best twins build please
so happy im seeing this video!! i use to main hag and stopped because i was finding games so hard as i wasnt as good back then and so i became an oni main
thank you for the great content!
Potato is the best
Damn, I’m early. Cannot wait to watch, love Hag.
Again the art looks soooo cool ☆♡☆
This build is almost as disgusting as Hags face! lmfao. . .
26:52 what did he say?
17th comment
Played Hag once or twice. Seeing your vid+ explanation I'm going right in
Yay!!! Hag gameplay!!!
Wild how he called the adrenaline in the last game
Your Terror-Radius is above 6 Meters. Lol
That dumb Yui triggering HG snowballed that game.
we love a tunnel main
24:30 u coy see him running for a sec. Xd
corrupt + no way out + noed + save the best for last add ons : rusty shackles + any range add on is bettter imo
Thanks for another quality video homie!
BTW Potato – when I asked if I could use the VOD footage – it was the Hag game with the Hag with Plaything hahaha!
I love watching hag and then I go to play her and get dumped on bro
4:41 I’ve never heard someone pronounce cicada like that.
18:25 "She could have deliverance"
Jill: Kills herself on hook
Can you imagine a deep sea diver killer
I don't even play Dbd anymore. haven't in over a year, yet you are one of the only channels i watch.
I think we'll be seeing plaything on every killer
. Glad you like it, it's always fun to jump scare survies
I guess you guys don't have them in the UK… cicada is pronounced cee-cade-a
Dried cinada? Lol
Dried Si K Da
You know those giant bugs that only come out once every 17 years.