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Thank you guys for watching! I hope you enjoy the Billy build and gameplay 🙂
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#DBD #dbdkiller
The blue flames or whatever it is on the chainsaw is so sexyyyyy
The milk man! Let’s go, can’t wait for the stream notification to pop
It's not the build, it's the killer! Billy is so OP and stronger than nurse, PLZ NERF!!
I’m pretty sure I ran into you on a game at eyrie of crows, I distinctly remember this exact add on, skin and perk set up on a billy there a couple days ago
Pls can you dredge next time
They’ll probably nerf Billy a bit soon. I’m noticing more people DC against him the second they hear the chain saw, especially on open maps.
It's always a blast to see what builds you cook up! Makes me excited for what's to come with the Unknown!
I don't play billy but once I unlock that costume I just might have to
Tbf survivors these days give up against anything 😂
survivors when Billy is now a strong and viable killer:
Hey bro, could you tell me where you can download a pack of thumbnail perks in png and 3d survivors e killers ? I'd be grateful
Built isn’t really unique this build can be used on every killers kind of clickbait…
GreyLetters after every hit: BOOM! 👁👄👁
Take away corrupt and bam and add plaything and pentimento and you have the most evil billy build