The Best Onryo Build In Dead by Daylight!

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The Best Sadako Build! Thank you guys for watching! I hope you enjoy 🙂

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20 thoughts on “The Best Onryo Build In Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Got a build for ya if you might be interested!

    Untrackable Slowdown Spirit:
    Hex: Plaything
    Hex: Pentimento
    Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
    Jolt or Sloppy Butcher

    Rusty Flute or either duration add on

    Oblivious survivors will never know where you're coming and free slowdown with Pentimento if they cleanse their totems.

  2. Chris in special cases like the Megs lmao, you can see who's the obsession by the hud cause the obsession's claw icon thingy will start to move when in chase 🙂

  3. bruh i tried watching the first TTV "gamer" in the first game… omfg complaining about you using condemn (dude thats onryo´s power SMH) thats why the rebecca DC; lol people are pathetic. Good thing u got 4k´s both games. jeeezzz i have a love/hate relationship with this game sometimes C:
    nice outro graphics too.

  4. Not a bad chase-oriented build at all, but I gotta throw some pointless commentary in, as a fool who has suffered for far too many hours to make Sadako 'work', much as Grey did for Coconut concerning Artist. Some of us fell in love with Sadako, and put extra suffering in, is all.

    For one thing, if you're good, and I mean really good, you can afford to get away with the build that is suggested in this video. But if you aren't, you may as well slam one of your fingers in a steel-framed car door on repeat. Because that would be preferable to what is suggested here. Sadako is decidedly NOT beginner friendly, and should NOT be run like everyone else. At the level this man clearly is at, you can play no-trap trapper and strike a draw. We need better. We need…. smarter solutions. We need to play to Sadako's strengths if you're a scrub like me.

    So here we go: It was no surprise to myself that Sadako was at the top of the kill-chart rates. That is for 2 very simple reasons: a) The most significant- idiot streamers and swfs who told everyone she was weak and that you could ignore tapes for the most part. She is still, to this day, despite the data reveal- underestimated by the vast amount of groups who see her and don't understand her potential.
    b) She doesn't need to hook. At all. She can, if that's your jam. And sometimes it's the smartest option, but most of the time you should be focusing her efforts into what she alone can excel at within the killer roster- Split Artificial Pressure. Sadako is a group-pressure specialist precisely because she essentially splits the hook pressure into 2 parts. With an eye for nuance, the master Sadako will be able to work on both paths until she kills everyone, but this is difficult, so my opinion is such: If you're gonna play the Pressure Queen, you should properly pressure survivors to the UTMOST of your capacity. Which leads to the following preamble and build suggestion:

    Winning with Sadako is situational. Unless you've mastered her. Then a 3-4k is damn near guaranteed most of the time. Because by then, like most of the people driving the kill-rate statistics, you've discovered something precious about our angwy edge-lord Waifu- (this is a super obvious but somehow secret fact hidden from and not often-discussed by most of the community) …. She, just like the Nurse, utterly ignores the rules of a trial and match. No, for real, THINK about it. She breaks all the rules. At base kit. No add-ons necessary, like with Myers. It's her right as a killer in the fog by default, even should you roll in with nothing at all, the providence is yours. We should capitalize on that, don't you think? Let's do it.

    We do that by maximizing game-sense, or map knowledge. If this part is something you already have, you should be able to run Sadako with literally nothing and steam-roll face. If it isn't, then here is my build suggestion: Discordance, Deathbound, Forced Penance, STBFL. The logic behind the first 2 is pretty simple- any time you get a proc you have, at minimum, information on half the team. (If you can't locate survivors by screams, then I can't help you. I can, and it isn't difficult seeing as they are both directional and you can often guess just from game sense…. But even when you can't, if you go patrol gens when ppl scream you'll often get lucky). Discordance speaks for itself, and we should all know by now how prevalent that BS is.

    Your priority is to spread stacks. Above all else. You do NOT need the iris and ring drawing to get a mini-mori. That is a myth that can easily be disproven by anyone even slightly trying. If you need consistent proof- I'd suggest AprilGhost, a superb YT creator with lots to show you. And if you, like OhTofu and many other YT streamers think that Deathbound is trash for this purpose, I have no words. You either get it or you do not. Moving on.
    Part 2 of this expository wall of text is the other 2 perks- STBFL should be a non brainer. So I'll skip it. That leaves Forced Penance. I'd love to drop this perk, especially for something more vital, like Shattered Hope since CoH destroys Sadako so much. But I cannot. And it loops into the first part of this explanation: Survivors' tendency to underestimate Sadako. At the end of the day, what tends to happen, ESPECIALLY when you get a mini-mori killer instinct proct, is that survivors try to body block you. Idk why, it is PHENOMONALLY stupid to do this against the Ringu killer since she can walk straight through you, but you'll find this happening more often than not. So- Forced Penance will make them think twice about that shit before they try it again. And if they do, they either have DH or MoM and that's giving you more info and strategic potential than they bother to realize in their struggle to get value out of 2 bs perks.

    The only problem with Grey's recommendation is that it tailors itself to those who play Sadako like any other killer. I'd rather play leap-frog with unicorns. If you are playing Sadako like everyone else, then you probably deserve the struggle tbh. She excels at a specialist playstyle that almost no other killer can approach. Use the ho' to her strengths. All I'm saying.


    Edit: I forgot the addons. You can honestly run whatever you wish, or the Iri Tape or ring drawing. Just know one thing- Survivors, and especially the SWF flavor of them, can and will shout out your addons once they're revealed and that will only make things more difficult. Personally, I prefer Well-water and the newspaper add-ons- out of a thousand or multiple thousands of games they have given me the most value. But again, situational at worst and irrelevant at best. Just focus on accumulating stacks and you'll be Gucci.

  5. Does STBFL work while carrying a survivor? If so, it could combine with Mad Grit really well as that perk functions on an amount of time, not the duration you are still stunned after hitting someone.

  6. Caught one of your streams this week and you seemed very disengaged & almost angry from previous streams. Where you appeared happy & talkative. Not sure what's going on but keep up the videos!


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