The Best Patch in Dead by Daylight History?

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43 thoughts on “The Best Patch in Dead by Daylight History?”

  1. Deathslinger’s terror radius is low because his range is low and he has to reload after every shot.

    Huntress has her lullaby because she has unlimited range and a spammable attack that can down 2 survivors and injure another before reloading, as well as down survivors in situations where Deathslinger can only injure at best.

    With the change to Deathslinger’s terror radius, all you have to do is run away as you hear it increasing and he can’t even hit you because you’re out of range. Then you get to a safe spot, drop a pallet or w/e and take an injure, running away again. Huntress in the same situation already downed you.

    Think about the implications. A killer who relies on a strong 1vs1, giving his target a massive heads up every time he tries to engage.

    That’s why he has a small terror radius, and that’s why Huntress does not. The devs unfortunately forgot this fundamental design decision and as a result Deathslinger is going to be much weaker.

  2. these gunslinger changes are terrible and completly opposite of scott says it is now more boring to go against him and play as him it's just like otz said when freddy got reworked they are slowly making all the killers feel sameish. And what are these points he is a better stelth killer than Myers that's like saying it's a better car than yugo Myers is one of the oldest and lamest killers with probably the most outdated design. Litteraly any killer with tinkerer or Trail of Torment or Dark Devotion can be a better stealth killer than Michael it is a terribly low bar to set. he was just fine the way it was if not a little weak and he required a unque way to play against now it's a lot closer to playing against anything else

  3. The patch is nice and all but I cannot wait to get into a game and a dumb*** 3 gen plague sits there the entire match taking no chases and because of this patch will somehow be even more miserable to deal with

  4. "which is a skill…. But it didn't give a shit about the survivor's skill" thank you, Scott. This is why death slinger is such a stupid ass killer who doesn't belong in this kind of game. He's so damn boring to play against holy hell

  5. As a guy who is planning to buy deathslinger this makes me have mixed feelings. Im fine with the terror radius change since starstruck exists but the ADS nerfs are making me hold back a bit

  6. Scott is down on the new Brown Incense for Plague but personally I can't keep track of a single new white pool half the time especially if there's already 3 or 4 corrupted ones on the map. It's not 'great' to be clear but I think it's not the worst, especially for a brown. Better than Nemmy's S.T.A.R.S. Manual for sure.

  7. i think plague needs a rework more than this

    like plague should not be able to just puke on you once then no matter what you are now injured, like make it so she has to hit her stuff not just running and doing gens makes you break eventually her 2 addons that make it so you can insta injure people should be removed and you should get a speed boost when she injures you

    like its really stupid that she can do those things
    like she needed a buff but she needed a nerf just as much

  8. Good job Scott! You got a mid tier killer nerfed into oblivion. Not only do you never have to ever figure out how to play against him, you also get the bonus of never SEEING him played ever again!

    "Why the fuck did he have such a small terror radius?" I dunno. Maybe he was a semi stealth killer that could surprise you with a sudden shot if you weren't paying attention? Maybe that was a little bonus he could have for being such a weak killer. Maybe that was a unique aspect of the killer. Oh? That's not enough? Lets have a gander at his addons. Lets see, lets see. Oh! Look here! Marshal's badge lowers his terror radius when aiming down sights. Now why would this function exist Scott? Why else would it exist? Huh? Well then lets look at his perks to see if this also plays into this idea. Oh look Retribution that make you oblivious when cleansing a totem (soon to be buffed to make you oblivious when you touch one) You know who else is oblivious to how this killer functions? You and most of the DBD community because everyone is too busy bitching about him instead of actually understanding how he works.

    "Will make him slightly weaker." HAH! The icing on the cake at how devoid of any knowledge of this killer you have.

    The problem here is you constantly bitching about Deathslinger and the community parroting everything this streamer says because "He's a popular streamer therefore he must know everything and be right." You are the sole reason the community got a hate boner against this weak, rarely played, non existent killer. I can't believe a mid tier killer just got nerfed. This is a joke.

    PS: I know most of your dick riding followers are going to look at my comment and come to your defense so let me preference that I actually quit deathslinger months ago because of the frustration value of playing him against actual people who know how to combat him or that despite doing well, all gens get completed regardless. Removal of a killer by nerfing them into orbit isn't balance. And we all know how hesitant they are at buffing killers. Nerfs come hard and fast and meaningful buffs come every 2-3 years. Trapper as an example. All these nerfs did was lower the amount of viable killers to Blight and Nurse. Ya fun times playing against only two killers.

  9. He is no a better stealth killer as myers. you comparing myers with a ranged killer makes no sense. and you forget one thing after huntress release they said every ranged killer (except hag before her buff she had 28 instead 24 now.) will be 110% movement speed and 24m tr. and 115% will have 32m radius..see pig to release she had 28m and she was getting later 32m. The lullaby has nothing to do with ranged killers. Huntress lullaby has always 45m..trickster his getting from 8-40. And this both killers can you hit anytime..deathslinger not he has only 18m range with his weapon.

    With his 32m tr he is deadlier as before..distressing and infectious fright..when he can aim you can say good bye.

    And you said bad design ? Deathslinger ? Really ?…Whats about Nurse..Spirit…….

    Built to the Last after this change will getting really really strong in swf… toolbox…or medkit..and lets go.

  10. I mean it only shows us that theyre even bigger scums. They couldve done it before, it was a possibility and yet, only 'care' about their game when theres competition


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