The BIG Issue with Dead by Daylight's Killer Meta | DBD Discussion

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Here is my very first discussion video! Today we will be talking about how incredibly uninteresting and unskillful Dead by Daylight has been in entire HISTORY in regards to the killer meta. Let me know YOUR thoughts in the comments below!





and the video he made on me!


intro – 0:00:000:00:18

Discussion – 0:00:1800:03:28

Game example – 0:03:2800:10:30

Discussion end – 00:10:3000:12:19

Outro – 00:12:1900:12:34

#IntoTheFog​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Zaynuh​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #DBD​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #DeadbyDaylight​​ #Looping #NancyWheeler #SteveHarrington #Ghostface #StrangerThings #Survivor #SWF #ResidentEvil #LeonKennedy #JillValentine #ChrisRedfield #ClaireRedfield #RebeccaChambers #AdaWong #AlbertWesker #Toxic #Sniper #Blight


20 thoughts on “The BIG Issue with Dead by Daylight's Killer Meta | DBD Discussion”

  1. Very informative video. The rate at which this game is going in is not the best. While we can agree that this game should be "fun" and balanced, the developers don't want to listen to the people who actually buy and play the game for themselves. Sure there can be unfair advantages to both sides like the use of DH and Unbreak for survivors but we can't deny the fact that Call of brine and overcharge is also an unfair advantage for killers as you showed us in that boring Wraith game. If you complain about the use of COB and overcharge for example and your running the same exact build as killer, then easily you should know that that is also unfair to the other side. Same can be said for the use of DH and I break for example. You can't complain about certain things and then run those yourself if you get what I'm saying. I'm not trying to go off topic but I'm basically saying what you said but in my own way. The Devs should listen to the community who probably know more then the ones making and designing the game. Send this to Matthew Cote and the BHVR team as they should be concerned at the rate this game is going! 😂👍🏼

  2. People like you I will never understand. I guess it’s hard for toxic survivor mains to realize that’s it’s NECESSARY for me to run CoB Eruption with MDR Amulet on Spirit to deal with your shit. Smh entitled survivors. Lmao for real though good video! Well done

  3. And at the moment I am glad im taking a little break from dbd the meta yea actually has gone to shit and yes I do agree corrupt and pop meta was way more easier and fun to verse. Don’t really have anything else much to say cause dbd is mid lmaoo

  4. Amazing discussion video zayn. I never understood why people get so offended when they hear your opinions on the game. My thoughts on the meta is this: I understand a lot of killers in this game need cob + eruption or overcharge + eruption whatever, but once you get to high mmr it’s just a constant repeat over and over again. I think the best think for cob is that you have to earn it the same way as pop and maybe it does like 250% regression since you have to earn it and you only get info on that gen every other gen is a dry kick. I feel like overcharge shouldn’t be another version of cob, I think it just add ons to the problem and it should be reverted. Eruption imo is probably the most frustrating slowdown in the game especially for solo queue. There is genuinely 0 counterplay to eruption in solo queue but pure luck on if you guess when teammate will go down. I understand they wanted to switch the meta up I perfectly get it, every game does that but it’s to the point where killers rather be in a game until servers die then chase. Another thing imo they should do for this meta is just make gens 80 seconds again or 85 since it’s so boring to verse. Great vid zayn ❤🔥😊

  5. 4:44 Overcharge causes Call of Brine to make a Notification for some odd reason. Youd think that because the Skill Check is white, that it would be treated as a Great Skill Check but the game treats it like a Good Skill Check, so that's why they instantly looked towards you after you hit the Difficult Skill Check from Overcharge.

  6. No offense but in the first match with the wraith why are you only doing that one gen? Of course he’s going to be around there all the time cause he knows for some reason you want that one done most

  7. I don’t think the meta is the only thing that needs to be changed. Gens need to not fly by as fast and some of these maps need to be made smaller.

    It’s no fun being locked but on the other side it’s also no fun when the gens pop in just the time it takes you to walk to them.

  8. I wanna see your opinion on the survivor Gen meta.I. this killer meta wouldn't (imo as a killer main) feel needed to some if there weren't equally high quality survivor perks where leaving 1 survivor alone for 40 secs can lose you a gen.

    As much as DH is annoying I can play around it once I know you have it. I want more chase oriented perksfor survivors that you guys can use to do fun stuff in chase such as deception or that fun reverse vault glitch yall had for a bit.

    Nerf all Gen speed affecting perks for both sides and give us cool unique chase oriented perks instead.

  9. It's so sad to see the direction this game is headed and some of these players don't understand that shit like COB Eruption and Overcharge isn't healthy for the game neither is shit like DH, Deli, and OTR

  10. Get rid of COB, Eruption, and Overcharge. As well as DH, DS, and Unbreakable. Sounds fair and more fun for both sides. Killers cant regress gens for free, and surviovrs cant get out of chase or being downed for free. Simple. but yeah, you should talk about the other side of this coin because its not like killers are running these perks because they WANT to, they run these perks because they HAVE to. Survivors get off the hook (get it) for free in too many ways far to often. Being in chase doesn't benefit the killer at all. Killer has to stop gen progression and down surviovrs. If being in chase means losing gens, then killers will avoid the chase. Killers dont get second chances with gens. Killers cant suddenly add a gen to the survivors objective, but survivors can suddenly get off the hook, get up from dying status, tank the second hit in TWO different ways. All of which makes the killer waste time and inches killer closer to a loss. Should we even bring up the fact that survivors ALSO have borrowed time at base? Survivors run deliverence knowing that they can get a save and then they get a "get off the hook free" card. No need for a rescue AND they cant be touched just because. How much more will the devs hand hold survivors? Lets talk about that.

  11. Coming from the dude who says Adrenaline is "balanced" you lost all credibility.

    If you are gonna complain about killer perks being boring atleast acknowledge that survivor perks are also boring.

    Otherwise you are biased and clearly only play survivor. Massive L

  12. That Wraith was so bad in chases and constantly missing swings, really says a lot on how that build literally carried him, plus your teammates refusing to do gens

  13. Killers perks have never felt stronger, I mostly play killer but when i play with my friends, the perk/ and tunnel meta gets real old real quick. At least with hex ruin you had and objective, but with scourge hook + dead mans switch is beyond dumb.. You have no options. Survivor perks are probably at the most balanced it has ever been, but thats counteracted by the strength of killer perks and the length of each game.

  14. Hey guys! Killer main here. Thought i kinda agree wiuth you, we have to take in consideration the map layouts. Some maps are just one sided. Most killers, me also, try to find a good 3 gen or 4 gen and stick to it, trying to lure survivors and win the game. With all the second chance perks survivors got, i have to assume that in every game i play either with swf or just good players. Also, gen speed. You need 90secs if i am correct to finish a gen. That means to me, if i have a bad chase, im about to lose 2 or 3 gens in a minute. So i have to stop chasing and start babysitting gens or im gonna lose, again. The mindset for killers nowadays is, if you have all these amazing tools for you to survive and do your objectives for 90secs, guess i ll have to slow you down as much as i can to earn time for me to kill you. Cuase survivors have only one goal, do gens. The killer has to, find survivors, chase them, down them and then hook em. Also gen def. But, in-between these steps there are challegnes also. If i chase a survivor, some1 else might come and block me from chasing said surv, when i go for grab, some1 might come for flashlight, when i go for hook, some1 might come and block again. You also see a lot of teams that stay near hook, forcing you to camp, especially when you have 1 or 2 gens. Why should i leave my objective and let you save ? Then you get called a camper. Also, if i have a surv on dying hook, i am going to tunnel him, cause it helps me win the game. Its my objectiver plus it slows the enemy team quite a bit. Why me doing that is wrong but when survivors tunnel gens is good? It ruins their fun? Well, they ruin my fun too when genrushing.. seems fair to me. Problem is, the whole game is around gens. It s the only, real objective lets say. If the game was around hooks, or if more objectives were added, things might have been different. Imo, the game needs to add either more objectives and focus the gamplay around them and balance too. Think of smth like in Friday the 13th. You have various objectives, you got to find em, work with your team but also be aware of the killer. Also the killer will have more intersting stuff to do than just gen def and tunnel and camp.


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