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Ladies and gentlemen, the most sensitive crybaby in Dead By Daylight.
I’m live on Twitch 4-6 days a week!
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More entitled crybaby streamers
I think it’d be a cool video to show someone who used to be toxic but eventually realized they were wrong and fixed their ways
Bro is literally running the most selfish survivor build I’ve ever seen
Oh yeah, I remember that voice. I believe it was Aaron Duke who covered this particular manchild in the past, not surprised to see he hasn't changed
Love the Slipknot shirt bro
"garbage teammates, how dare they not carry me so I can boringly sit in a corner and secure an escape for me" The fact that he was playing clown at start is so fitting here.
I need a rowboat man. This floaty just isnt working for this mans river of tears.
Ok I just saw you guys arguing for 1h but all I said is to stop arguing cus it’s just a game and all people get made at this game including you and me and some of his little argument is true like have seen a clips and already saying he’s the most evil man but almost every never researched enough and I am saying both of you we’re cringe arguing no offense but arguing is not always the answer
This the guy that came onto your stream today to talk about this video? Part 2 incoming 😂
The Gen bug could actually finish 2 extra gens. So if there is three left one Gen completes them all. I've even taken a clip of it happening.
He tunneled out the rancor what in tarnation
I dont really use "slurs" myself because its just never been part of my vocabulary however ill have to argue that they are just words and can be used without actually having any meaning behind them outside of just expressing anger. Ive literally seen gay friends call people your "F slur" out of anger…it isnt homophonia, ffs they're gay…its just that anger some sometimes makes you say things sometimes. Just saying…it is possible to say certain things and it not have some deeper hate.
You snowflakes don't seem to understand the irony of being terrified of words. You give them so much power.
What is the "r slur"? Never heard of such a thing.
I wish this guy was a smash player, im sure hed be so toxic that he would have gotten banned permanently in all scene
The homosexual agenda is very real, and apparently its sole purpose is to make this man's life miserable
I hate people who run these builds that only try to get hatch or exit gate like crying about losing while not helping winning is crazy
I remember going against him I was a Dwight he hit wit so many pallets that he started tweaking mid match
Imagine being a streamer, potentially trying to start a career on Twitch, and dropping slurs nonstop. Wild.
FYI: I'm not a DbD player/streamer and I dont follow DbD content creators, including this creator. This video just popped up on my recommended page. That being said, I play this game literally for fun, never to a competative point (I just dont see how it can get to that point tbh). So when players act like this, its mind boggling. I expect this from FPS players, not from DbD players.
That being said, I just watched this guy get into a call with Spook on stream (He's not hard to find). THE LACK OF SELF AWARENESS IS INSANE! And I dont mean to bring up religion but it was brought up during their convo and lemme just say, as an Athiest who grew up in a Catholic household and learned about religion in university, using the bible to justify your bigotry is far from what God teaches. Every person who actually learned, and teaches the word of God properly, would literally tell you that. Theres no place for people like him in the gaming community or whatever religous community he's a part of. People like him are why these communities get such a bad rep.
I got no problems with slurs. Slurs are my favorite. Theyre hilarious.
Homophobic is not a real word btw. Its a nonsense word idiots came up with at an attempt to shame others into validating their degeneracy
The entitlement on this streamer is unbelievable. glad we can make an example of this dude on how to be a hypocrite streamer