The Bleak Sweaty Future Of DBD [RANT] | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

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Ending Song: FSM Team – Lucid Dreaming

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43 thoughts on “The Bleak Sweaty Future Of DBD [RANT] | Dead by Daylight”

  1. recently I've noticed I've been getting games that are a lot sweater and the survivors getting two gens done within two minutes before I can even get one hook, and it all started the moment 2023 started, before then I was doing fine with a 3 – 4K, now I'm getting more 0 -1K games. So either the game thinks I'm a higher sbmm than I am (if that's still a thing), or it's people trying too hard.

  2. If you are a middle tier player like me, you will find teams of survivor looking to do gens as fast as they can, to teabag you at the end and trash talk you. So sometimes, when I face that kind of teams, the next match I make survivors suffer. I've chose to play for fun as match as I can, telling jokes to myself to avoid getting salty. Playing like that makes me win more and enjoy more. Sadly the developers are only encouraging salty behavior with the last year changes and decisions.

  3. There is no consequence for sweating in this game. Like Bran said it's bhvr and the players' faults bhvr needs to add IMO a ranked mode or fix the matchmaking to get the sweats with sweats sure people are gonna run the broken stuff u can't stop them play how u want but we need a place to put them in besides pubs in games like siege THERE'S MULTIPLE GAME MODES like cas, unranked which uses ranked rules but u don't rank up,and actually ranked dbd if bhvr wants to push this sweaty environment needs another modes so people aren't forced to see it or when they want to see it they could just go to a ranked playlist where they are gonna be matched with the same energy. For some reason idk it seems like the dbd community on both sides just wants to bully each other into submission the killers want stuff like dh nerfed but then still want tunnel and camp because "it was necessary to win" or survivors want the gen regression perks nerfed but continue to use gen rush and be toxic to killers promoting them to do the cringe sweaty things they do
    They can tweak the meta all they want but we've seen the players will always pick the most optimal and unfair way to play IN A GAME THAT ISNT MEANT FOR THAT or at least shouldn't be in nature as an asym. Both sides wanna win but if that's at the cost of player enjoyment who cares?

  4. This is honestly why I just run whatever I want. I know its getting sweaty, when I run into 3 meta running teammates as a survivor, I kind of smile knowing that I'm the shitter running Plunderers, Ace in the Hole, Appraisal, Kindred. Or running the Randomizer for the worst loudout possible and trying to get value of it. While it sounds strange, i feel INSANELY better pulling off a deception or pebble play rather than optimizing all of my gameplay to the minute.

    I agree though that it feels people are starting to 'sweat' more lately than usual. And although personally IDC because hey, I dont mind. Ggs go next, i think its both Content Creators and the developers pushing towards a more 'data' angle of play, y'know?

    You gotta run the most viable/valuable perks. No shitter perks because if you run shitter perks "You're hurting your team."

    Nobody wants to run shit like I run because its not condusive of "Teamwork" or "Optomization", which hurts your team as a whole. So I feel maybe its a mix of people wanting to

    – Win
    – Help their team
    – Get Bloodpoints

  5. DbD stopped being fun for me a while ago. I only get joy from unlocking cosmetics on the Rift nowadays. The gameplay itself is only fun if I come in expecting to die as a survivor. I hate competitive games generally.

    Last night had 3 matches in a row where the killer slugged my team. Not fun when you are forced to lay there and bleed out…

  6. I completely agree with what you said. I started playing back with the silent hill chapter,and I always played this game off, and on inbetween other games cause I'm a casual gamer, but for the first time I had to officially stop playing DBD. I'm just not enjoying it anymore for all the reason you said. I'll load up the game now simply to fuck around with bots cause that's the most casual experience I can really get with the game now. I'm not saying try harding isn't fun, cause it can be,but when that's all there is the game is bad for me cause I would say at least 75% of the time I would like a casual fun map I can mess around in. You know the sort of matches I can just turn my head off, and have fun. I haven't had that in DBD in some time now so I've moved on to other games that simply provide that type of experience for me. I think the HUD system for survivors was a bad idea. We don't need more sweat in DBD.

  7. Yea I've been playing less and less. You've described my fears for this game so well. I haven't played killer in months because killer just isn't fun. I feel like there still is a little room to mess around as survivor but killer is just miserable. It seems like you have to 100% sweat in order to get even 1 kill. I often see other killers camp/patrolling a hook to make a survivor go into second stage then leave. I get upset but what can I expect? Killers are tired of this too and eventually there won't be enough of them to even play the game with. The old spirit of dbd is dying. Idk if that will actually kill the game but I guess only time will tell.

  8. Honestly, I still have fun with this game but I can only play like three matches in a go. There are much better games to play if you want a sweaty experience which are actually balanced for that type of game play.

  9. yep its been going down this path and its been driving people away, i quit all my friends quit, streamers i watch are quitting the game because they are just tired of the path dbd is going, dbd was not meant for comp and can never go to comp due to its nature, it reminds me of when evolve had comp but atleast that game had more ability to go comp and coming from someone who does play comp games when i play dbd comp is definitly the least of the things i want to see in the game

  10. The reason DBD in 2016 seemed more fun is because there wasn't a established meta, survivors didn't know how to loop, maps were crazy unbalanced and there weren't 1000 content creators making toxic build videos to promote playing in the nastiest way possible. I agree completely with this rant, and this competitive mentality like you say is genuinely ruining the game, to the point it feels like there needs to be a complete overhaul of the mechanics, or perk system. I'm very curious to know how you feel about this last chapter, and the future of the game if they keep adding content like this!

  11. The survivor hud update definitely did not help reduce sweat in dbd at all. Now every team of megheads plays super efficiently on gens and prove thyself is brought amongst multiple survs in each lobby. Not to mention the abundance of strong toolboxes with BNP's now that they cost significantly less than they used to..

  12. Everything you said here is exactly how I'm feeling. I'm noticing on both Survivor and Killer side that folks are running the same tired builds over and over again. However, I feel like the problem stems from both the community and Behavior themselves.

    On one side, you have bad actors that stream this game and act like the game is something competitive when it really isn't. They scream their opinions on what is "broken" and act like they know how to "improve" the game. They tout DbD like it's this totally unique kind of esport, and if you don't fall in line with their opinions based on supposed thousands and thousands of hours, then you're dumb and have no idea what you're talking about. It doesn't help that these same people are constantly on the lookout for builds that will guarantee them a win every single time rather than actually spend time with the game and experiment with different builds on their own.

    On the other side, Behavior has been catering to that side that acts like DbD is competitive. We've been seeing it more and more ever since the SBMM was implemented. I swear that every time I'm on Twitter, there's some new "community cup" starting, and, in my opinion, those events are only fostering the former's mindset.

    Roughly around this same time last year, I started to take a handful of months off from DbD because of the previous meta being so bad. As you say, players are eventually going to look for other games to play, and I already have started thinking about jumping into Elder Scrolls Online.

  13. Ironically, if we go by BHVR history, a good way to make BHVR step up and actually listen to the playerbase's suggestion and criticism instead of relying too much on stats, would be a playerbase exodus.

    A Killer player exodus is likely on the horizon due to the recent PTB/updates (add a disappointing Killer with a playstyle focused on 3-gen defense which is something no one wants, deleting a gen-regression perk but adding a new gen-speed perk in the same update etc.).

    My hope is that this chapter was rushed to hell because they are putting almost all ressources into the next licensed chapter.

    The sad thing is, DBD has no real competition. The upcoming TCM game will likely draw some player away for a time, but a single franchise can only offer so much variety. The devs of the TCM game need to be on top of things if they don't want the game to die before it's second year.

  14. This game will always be a silly game of tag in my mind. No number of perks or Tofu hipster views of "mmr is great" mindset will ever change what the game has always been. Games have to be designed FROM DAY ONE to even be CONSIDERED comp worthy. Fighting games, shooters and mobas have built their audience around this from the first minute the game was launched. You don't just flick a button and its comp. AND let me call out the bullshit now as its always on my mind, the set rules in these events? Made up UNOFFICALLY by people with a bias view towards what THEY feel (one person) is a win or loss with the rules, hooks, gens, perks win conditions. I could do a 100 kill streak now saying my win condition is a 1k, its click bait but it works. DONT fall for idiots trying to make this game something it's not. It was made by a bunch of friends looking to make a fun couch game. THATS ALL IT EVER WILL BE, Tofu and whoever else who wants a comp game go play Apex or something and see how you last. Truth is the people who are comp in Dbd are pure trash in TRUE competitive games.

  15. I hate sweating. I never sweat on either side. What I will say though is because I play so casual I do find that most people also play casual. Especially when playing survivor. Teammates tend to match energies. And if I do get a sweaty killer it's just a game that is over quick and I die lmao. Same when I get sweaty survivors. Rather than sweating back in order to win, I just let them escape. Let their MRR go up and mine down as obviously we're not well matched lol. I refuse to ever be anything but casual.

  16. as a Casual killer main the game is not enjoyable like it use to be, feel like a dam rank match all the time same op perks and map offering. i dont build meta bc it boring

  17. Yes, either people are going to get tired of this and go to a different game, or there's going to be a dramatic increase in cheaters, hackers, and people who just don't care.
    This game, unfortunately, will not last forever; only time will tell how it will end.
    Depending on how everything turns out Behaviors' legacy will be set in stone either as a company that cared or didn't.

  18. Honestly felt like the game has been going in this direction for a long time and sad to say I don’t see it getting any better unless they loose a bunch of players and have competition from other games. I stopped playing game months ago but now I only play against bots now bec that’s the only way I enjoy playing this game. No sweat, no toxic players, no cry babies or cheaters just me and whatever build I want and whatever map I want and I can play in peace and just enjoy it like how I used to back when I first played I hope the game gets better and everyone can enjoy it again.

  19. Before I deleted dbd the sweat was so bad that most of the time I couldn't tell if I was facing cheats or not, pressuring 2 to 3 people 3 gens still done by 3 fast af hooks or facing a corner for a Pick up and still eating a flashbang save when the fuckin thing is behind me or out playing survivors and eating a dead hard then killers can get rushed out of their mind but it's their fault if they try to win on top of all that the last 2 chapters have been absolute dog shit that would've been better I they replaced the characters with some meaningful balance changes but bhvr won't do that they are so very clearly trying to kill their own game

  20. It is because this game is still too much in favour of survivors Bran. The reality of the situation is killers have to play sweaty because they do not have time to be messing around. Survivors on the other hand do not even have to sweat, just hold M1 on gens like there is no tomorrow. I always say the core gameplay loop was fine in 2016, but it needs to be updated for both sides.

  21. i feel like DBD is falling off slowly i started first on friday the 13 the game in 2018 but in 2022 the game started to die in 2022 due to the lawsuit it had. so i came to DBD in june 2022 and so far its alright dredge chapter was alright and wesker was not scary the kinght was ok and now the fortnite killer…. well anyway i tried the the evil dead game its pretty good. I'm looking forward for the Leatherface game and the Killer Klowns from Outer Space the game. hopefully it gives dbd a run for its money.

  22. I agree ive been playing DBD for about 1yr now and this game feels exhausting every time i play. Play this game just to have a good time but these games just been draining. Stopped playing DBD since

  23. I don't always agree with your takes, but you hit the nail on the head with this one. Competitiveness will be the undoing of this game (or one of its undoing's) and a return to a more casual mindset is the only way to curb this tide of competition that threatens to take the game away from everyone.

  24. I completely agree with all of what you said. Ive greatly reduced the amount I play this game already. Whats more frustrating than anything is that the people who complain the most about strong stuff always seem to be the ones who bring the strong stuff themselves. Its been this way for a while now too, and youre right, they are basically mad that they werent able to have the match go their way and stomp the other side. I hate to call out specific streamers, but f you go see a tru3 stream its almost all thats talked about in there. He complains non stop about how sweaty survivors are all while running 3 or 4 slow downs and hard tunneling people. Its like, dude are you conscious of what you are doing yourself? And on top of it pushing this style to hundreds of people all while saying "you have to do this" etc…UGhhh its disgusting. Im sorry about bringing up a streamer, but I was just in his stream for the first time in a long time and was particularly disgusted. Have a good day. All these people complain about MMR, but theres nobody forcing them to HAVE to care about their MMR. People are wayyyy too focused on their rating that they will never see or know and its nuts. I hope you have fun matches. This game can be fun, but its not eing pushed that way currently.

  25. i played all day yesterday bc i was off work and i shit you not i had 1 fun match. i played only surv bc i’ve been playing only killer for a while so i wanted to change it up. i just took fun builds and wanted to have a little fun, but every single match felt like the killer was playing for money and it honestly really just killed the vibe for me.

  26. I completely agree. I feel like it all comes down to toxicity. One side wins and is usually toxic so it’ll cause more people to play extremely sweaty, because they want to win, people hate toxicity but yet they don’t realize,
    they became what they hated before.

  27. Honestly I haven't played in a long time because even if killer is stronger, it's not in a good way. I never had problems with tunneling, but I never centered my playstyle around it. With the current state of the game I cannot possibly get myself to play it and mainly because you don't feel like you won after you do, it's because you stressed the opponent into giving up. In FG sweating is normal, it's 1v1 mainly in ranked but there is satisfaction even when you lose if the match was tense and not full of cheap tactics; in DbD now every match is tense because you have to think about playing cheaper than your opponent and it's not a good feeling for anyone involved. It's a shame, it's a game I can enjoy, but between the game problems, the balance and the increasing competitiviness for a game that's clearly not meant to be as such (despite people making mind leaps and saying that because at least two people are against each other then it means it's competitive, feigning ignorance on what everyone means), it's just miserable. The stuff that both sides can come up with it's simply soul draining and you reap no reward for it.

  28. I think dbd's biggest weakness is not having separate gamemodes. L4D2, one of my favorite games of all time also had a competitive versus mode, but if it got too sweaty, you could always just play campaign mode on whatever difficulty you want. Not saying that DBD needs a campaign, but we just need something that's inherently less sweaty.

  29. This is the most unfortunate thing about the game. Nothing feels like an actual fair and balanced match anymore. I’ll play survivor and the match ends up with the killer sweating their butt off, and it’s annoying. I had a Freddy last night that strictly tunneled at 5 gens and continued to for the entire match. And I’ve gone against Myers every other match for 2 WEEKS now and everyone of them runs Tombstone and Moris my team in seconds. I hope the overall sweatiness changes eventually, because I fear for the game 100%.

  30. "In the future it will always be sweaty"? man, it has been for years. I used to play all the rifts, but now that I left the circus I have found way better games worth investing time on. Of course I come back every now and then, but when you see that all your friends leave the game to play something else, then something is definetly not right here.

  31. Great points!

    Playing as killer, the frustrating part about it is when you’re in situations where your actions won’t win you the match. Impossible situations constantly happen, and survivors want to teabag and boast as if they are the sole reason the killer is losing. If I get gen rushed and getting looped perfectly the whole game, I open the door for the survivors so I can just get the game over with. Rather than leave, they know I’m slightly aggravated, so they’ll just wait at the exit door, or look for me in the corner with my controller on the desk, and they just start teabagging and wasting everyone’s time.

    And I can’t just leave the match because I GET PUNISHED WITH A BAN.

    The game is a joke, and these toxic and entitled survivors will be crying again when their queue times are back to 10-20 minute waits when nobody wants to play killer anymore…

    Killer wants survivors to get nerfed and they don’t need them. But a perk like eruption that has a clear counter to it, is going to get nerfed to the ground because the survivors don’t want to stop doing the objective for 5 seconds.

    The developers suck at playing their own game, so they never reach a high mmr match to realize their system is buns….

    I think I only have a month left to deal with this crap before I never touch this game again like I did with Cod.


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