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In today’s video we display the New Killer Wesker’s potential to snowball survivor teams and dominate the match, shifting the game into your favor! I’m excited to show this one off to you and Enjoy!
RESIDENT EVIL: Project W IS CONFIRMED to join the Dead by Daylight franchise in Fall 2022 and we will get a sneak peak as to who the confirmed Survivor(s), Killer, Map, and Perks are.
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1 WEEK TIL THE WESKER DLC DROPS! Are you excited?! What are you most pumped for? Killer and Survivor Perks? New Characters?!
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6:22 I think you missed something…
another day another wesker vid yessirrr
can't get enough of ur vids
Hello cocojobro I'm new to your youtube nice to meet you and good luck on your wesker ❤️
Almost 7 minute game)
love the vids man! keep it up!
is wesker out next week?
I love how you're having fun with Wesker and can't wait for him to come to live servers. Lovely video as always
The nurse was in the basement man wtf hahahaha hiding in a corner
How do you keep playing on PTB? They closed it.
6:23 last survivor hiding
This build is deadly! You got good creativity man!
I want to believe this is how Wesker trained to be the new dbd killer
Looks super easy
yeah, in the basement
Pretty sure you are still the op one Coco. Devs can we get a nerf on this man?
Found ur vids through looking for Wesker vids as a console player, love the gameplay and the attitude! Keep it up, you got mad potential man
It’s actually crazy to me that wesker got buffed from the ptb
My favorite Albert quote "It's Wesker Time"
Even goosebumps
I lost it when I saw Lisa hidden there in the basement lmfao
While Wesker can use STBFL well, I don't think it's worth since you are encouraged to use your Bound as much as possible to damage and infect Survivors. Only situations where I think it's viable is when you have full stacks and you use your Bound for mobility.
I saw that nurse instantly and was screaming you didn't ahahah, sneaky snek
6:22 oh boy i wonder where the last survivor is hmmmmmmmmm
Wesker you're pitiful
The consistency is crazy coco! I didn’t see any other killer get this much videos. That just shows how fun Wesker is. Can’t wait for the public release!
Wesker seems insanely OP, I think its probably to get some more sales but I do expect him to get nurfed a lot on the range at least