The Craziest Survivor Stunts | Dead by Daylight

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This video features some really dumb shenanigans where me and some of my streamer friends attempted to pull off all kinds of unexpected tricks. Some took only a few attempts, others took a bit longer…

Twitch Streamers featured: @Ayrun, @Cope, @Lionnek, @Ev3ntic, @Nyzechu.

Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


48 thoughts on “The Craziest Survivor Stunts | Dead by Daylight”

  1. That stunt at the beginning makes me wish the flahbang could be thrown down that hole so you could save someone from all the way up there that would be funny. Only sad thing about all these cool tricks is everyone will have seen then from watching this video. Wish I'd have thought up these

  2. I miss the good old stunts where the red rankers would chase the killers for a completely surprising play of using ds and dcing when: they miss/it runs out

  3. I love when the thumbnail makes you stop and go which survivor is that? Answer: Its Meg but Combining her Cheetah print top with either her Ashen Bob or The Standout hair styles IE the ones that turn Meg blonde

  4. @NotOtz my first time ever using blastmine i used it on a clown with pop and finished the gen in his face by myself after he hooked someone and i didn't even stall finishing the gen. It all just worked perfectly according to plan. I faked running as he came close after he hooked someone. He was a bit peeved and then proxy camped two teammates on hooks at endgame


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