The CREEPIEST Skins in Dead By Daylight!

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Did you know how truly creepy some of DBD skins are?

00:00 Don’t you dare skip this
00:51 Kampo Trainee Nurse
01:42 Dark Devotee Plague
02:39 Children’s Parties Clown
03:42 Invasive Species Blight
04:40 Dark Manifest Spirit
05:14 Marrow Miner Trapper
06:15 Ice Cold Legacy Oni
06:53 Ignition Huntress
07:48 Slash Enthusiast Ghostface
08:44 The Transplant Doctor
09:20 Mangled Wrecker Wraith
10:21 The Abomination Hag
11:10 Vile Scarecrow Hillbilly

All the music in this video is from Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess and two songs are from Pokemon: Black and White 2 and Diamond and Pearl remakes.

You could describe this video as a: Creepy, Disturbing, Scary, Crazy facts video showcasing skins, outfits and costumization with creepy lore and backstory featuring killers of dead by daylight, also obligatory Otzdarva mention.

#dbd #intothefog #dead_by_daylight


41 thoughts on “The CREEPIEST Skins in Dead By Daylight!”

  1. What is the creepiest skin in your opinion? Is there one skin that I did not mention in the video? It took a long time to make this video, so I hope you enjoy it so it was worth it!

  2. I would add the doll dredge skin, the rotted skeleton Sadako skin, the Look-See, The Birch, and just the original Wraith weapon since it's the head and spine of his boss that he ripped out. I loved the Oni, Ghostface, and Hillbilly details though! Excellent work!

  3. Something that should be mentioned possibly in a future video is that the legions Blighted Knife cosmetic was going to be named “suicide Blade” but was changed for its themes

  4. Dredge's doll skin will always be the creepiest for me. The lore behind it running out of bodies to use and swapping to dolls from the community it destroyed is fantastic. Almost wish it was the default skin for Dredge.

  5. I remember when the hag skin first came out i think i saw a theory of it being her friend from the tome with the teacher? im not sure ill have to find it again


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