The Dangers of Pubstomping | Dead by Daylight

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16 thoughts on “The Dangers of Pubstomping | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I know this comment is off topic, but does anyone agree that the spitter xenomorph from aliens colonial marines would be an amazing outfit. The tail is unique and it's head looks cool

  2. I always used meta since the game came out as killer and never had the issue you described because there always is a meta . All i do is use the best perks at a current time and never had any conssistency issues you described. That goes for like any mp game there is always a best in slot and it may swap around but you can just swap around too whatever is the new best lol.

  3. Yeah, pop isn’t the king of gen regression perks. The “buff” is still comparably worse than its pre-nerf state and using pop now requires a strategic decision – use it on a 35-50% gen and get little to no value or save it for a higher gen (and risk losing it before using it).

    Also, let’s look at perks that have a high usage rate and haven’t been changed recently.

    Survivor: Adrenaline (25% pick rate) – last updated in 1.8.1

    Killer: Save The Best For Last (13.96% pick rate) – last updated in 2.1.0

    [Also, killer perks are *adjusted far more frequently than survivor perks]

    Just because a perk is used often doesn’t guarantee BHVR will come by with a hatchet to kill the perk. It’s a two-part analysis: (1) is it used often, and (2) is the community currently having a large amount of backlash to it?

    I agree that players should have diverse builds because it helps improve their overall skill, but I wouldn’t analyze this discussion as what would or wouldn’t be allowed in a competitive setting. We aren’t playing a competitive mode (with those rules); we just have sweaty competitive players.

  4. I agree with the sentiment, but for killer, I think this is bad advice **for the most part**. The way MMR works in this game, after a point you're going to be thrown in with basically the entire playerbase. Once you actually have the meta perks, you'll be hitting that level. The only perk which stunts your growth is NOED, and I strongly recommend waiting until you're good at killer already to start using NOED.

    Once you reach mid MMR, you need to already be good at the game to play this game without using meta perks and not feel bad. Especially when the meta perks require you to actually get downs to get value. Your opponents will not care at all about you, they will bring the strongest stuff and they will beat you while you're running off-meta. And especially with endgame perks for survivors being what they are, if you actually let the gens get done, you lose because they all brought MFT + Hope.

    Bring good perks, but then try to get a feel for how the match is going. You don't need to bring good perks AND tunnel. Bring good perks so you'll have them if you need them, but if you end up in a lobby full of weaker survivors, you don't need to tunnel people out on top of that. Use that strong slowdown to play for 12 hooks instead. Use the slowdown to get more practice chasing. Make riskier plays using skill shots to see if you can hit them and test out what's possible. Then if you end up in a lobby full of strong survivors who brought meta perks and powerful addons, you won't get trashed because you're over here with 1 slowdown and a bunch of off-meta perks on a B-tier killer.

  5. It's just a back and forth. Survivors gen rush with perks like resilence, prove thyself and hyperfocus with brand new parts and killers bring pain res/pop goes the weasel, eruption and jolt to counter it. Survivors bring flashlights, flashbangs and background player, killers start bringing lightborn. Survivors bring sabo perks and kits, killers begin to slug and on and on it goes. Killers tend to have 1-2 gen regression perks not because they want to have them but its to slowdown the game so everyone can be involved in a chase and take part in all aspects of the game. If the game ends quickly, no one enjoys themselves. No one wants to hold down a button on a gen 5 times and hold a button on a gate just to walk out. Thats not fun for anyone. If no regression perks were brought, games would end quickly, people would get few to no points and the match ends up feeling boring and rushed. I think its simply a back and forth and through playing the game over time you learn to adapt to different strategies. Different killers work with different perks and as you prestige each of them it opens up more perks to try out. I tend to find people try different strategies more than the same ones over and over again, if they didn't every match would be boring and no one would be playing as the matches would become stale

  6. Theres no point complaining about this game. It's not a skill based game, skill does not determine whether or not who wins. if you play chess for 7 years straight you're supposed to win more than you lose but not in this game. You can be the best killer, have 10k hours of experience and still get wrecked. If you choose to play this game, you are accepting this fact. You are accepting that this game is not made for killers. survivors that complain are bad survivors, they suck no matter what you give them. Watch Hens and his "escapes" record. The gens pop so fast even they were shocked. Literally 30s

  7. I got absolutely Pubstomped by a 3 man swf who were running made for this and other good stuff. They kept getting value from the endurance effect, taking advantage of me slugging them all as Ghostface. I even had lightborn because they had flashlights. Even when i hooked them, realizing whats going on, it wasn't enough and they all escaped. There was nothing i can do about it. I got Pubstomped so hard by a bully squad to the point i felt miserable and was considering quitting the game for a while. But i did get over it and moved on. So yeah. The meta right now is so annoying because of mft mainly.

  8. You can surely pubstomp because of your perkset, but there is more to that. We have so many examples in this community of players going in perkless or with no slowdown and 4king most of their games because they do have experience, game sense and skill and main a strong killer. Plus, even very skilled and experienced survivors play for fun and not to win at all costs.

    I don't think enough emphasis is put on HOW LITTLE winning all your matches means, no matter the strategy, the other side's perks etc. You are not going against a pre-determined skill level, and as accurate as mmr can be, matchmaking is instead complete chaos. Winstreaks mean next to 0 when the vast majority of the playerbase logs in to do archives, chat with friends and get clips and doesn't care about playing optimally. Of course all it takes is some gamesense and being half decent with a killer to pubstomp.

  9. I stopped playing because of balance changes, but i wouldnt say i stopped because i couldnt use crutch perks. I stopped because i wasnt interested in bhvr’s balance model anymore. Changing things for the sake of change. Not to mention that was at a particularly shitty time in the games history, when VHS was being talked about and all that

  10. BHVR should have an event that temporarily disables some perks like on the killers side, gen defense, and on the survivors side, MFT, perks that increase gen speed and toolboxes, and maybe other stuff I can't think of. Currently in the game, everyone is going in with the mindset to just win without having fun. I played a bit of Oni and Slinger yesterday, and I 0k'd every match because I tried to have fun and didn't bring much slowdown. This event idea would make players forced to play with the fun perks, and it might make some people realize the fun you can have without all those free win perks.

  11. I noticed a lot of people didn’t know how to loop when the old DH got changed. And I have a friend that quit the game because they changed dead hard and he kept going down really quick. Dude had 1.2k hours it was kinda sad tbh


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