The Dead by Daylight Rank 20 Experience

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The Dead by Daylight Rank 20 Experience
In this video I plan to escape at Rank 11, not really having a build just playing the game and having fun :).

I sound so dead in this video which is something I need to improve on, mostly my commentating. My audio levels are quieter then the game but I have changed now, I’m sorry for this video not being as high quality 🙁


(Hint: “Why Dead by Daylight Community Loves Ussylis” video comes out in 2 days 😀 so Subscribe to see it!)


17 thoughts on “The Dead by Daylight Rank 20 Experience”

  1. At first, when you said that rank was hard, I thought you meant something completely different. But now I realize, it's because you're always in a 1 v 5 🤣

  2. Words cannot explain how difficult green rank is. One time a meg wanted to heal me instead of taking a hit but i had ds so i didnt let her. I was being tunneled and meg got out bc she didnt take a hit.


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