The Dead by Daylight SPEEDRUN!

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Today me @Vizion @SupaAlf & @RapidMain did a Dead by Daylight Survivor Speedrun and got some crazy times on our first attempts, I hope you enjoy!
Edited by @Vizion
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Hope you enjoyed!


40 thoughts on “The Dead by Daylight SPEEDRUN!”

  1. Hey I actually have a better idea for a speedrun build. You could all use slippery meat and up the ante with some luck offerings for guaranteed kobes on everyone and it would save so much time. And then you would still have 2 other perks to chose fromπŸ˜…

  2. On one hand it's impressive how fast and effective some teams are, but on the other hand it again shows how broken this game can be. Like sure, u need to be able to loop the killer to keep them away from the gens but almost 5 gens in under 3min? That's just unfun in general and in no way "fair"
    Anyway good video dude

  3. Tru3 was btching couple days ago that whesker is weaker than demo and needs a huge buff πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ you sent him into epeliptic shock with this vid πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

  4. My fastest game (not counting the havkers the insta pop gens) was 2:30 or 2:40 ish can't remember 100% exact and it was actually a solo queue match. Everybody brought toolboxes, gen perks and split on gens ( except the last which was grouped by 3 people. The killer was relatively inexperienced and found the first person (me) with a gen around 80% and lost me extremely fast again so i coukd finish it shortly before the last gen popped which was next to the exit gate.


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