The Dredge Actually Isn't that Good – Dead by Daylight

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27 thoughts on “The Dredge Actually Isn't that Good – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Literally break the locks, my man. It's permanent and let's you snowball easily during nightfall. It's insane how much you ignore the locks and fail to utilize lockers and then claim that the remnant is his only effective chase power.

  2. Whenever I try to think of how I would design a killer that is both good and fun to play as and against, I'm at a loss.

    Like, Pyramid Head is good, Playing against really good Pyramid Heads is annoying.

    Nurse is good. Playing against really good Nurses makes me feel like I have no agency whatsoever in a chase.

    Blight is fun.

    Spirit is fun.

    Artist would be fun if I didn't just know that you can't loop her at all if the player knows how to use her ability.

    Anyway design wise, as far as something fun that would fit into the game, every killer I think of that would be cool and fresh would probably be obsolete in a few weeks.

    Every killer I think of that would be pretty strong would just be obnoxious and most survivors would contemplate DCing if they saw it.

    On top of that I don't know if you'll ever top the ability to blink as an OP power.

    I just wonder how it feels to be someone designing concepts for future chapters at BHVR. It has to be pretty hard, and it has to take a LOT of thought.

  3. Going against dredge what i can say is locking lockers can be risky because you just get one shotted and if you have information perks especially early on you can get some good value. You don't have to already be in the locker, if at any point the survivor interacts with a locker or set of lockers side by side while you are teleporting to that locker, it can be devastating, so with nightfall, sometimes just jumping from locker to locker or even with bbq you can get some crazy snowball with that locker grabs cross map

  4. no shit hes gonna be bad if you have no aura reading and trying to use a hex build on em lmao and your running not the greatest add ons my guy lmao

  5. (I dont actually use the remnant that much)Im going to ride through the rough to be the best dredge probably not actually but im gonna try. I hope my commitment pays off and he gets a buff or something

    The dredge got interested in the game again like actually playing i bought pin head around the time the when artist and didn't actually play him to yesterday actually. (Not important but i failed hard)
    The dredge probably is my favorite killer in the game aesthetically playing him i have noticed the short comings like when ever i go up against a decent team i dont kill anyone (Side note ill get rolled by any competent team with any killer but i do well against average survivors ) But if i stick with it mabey ill find a new way to play to make him better like a new strategy or something

  6. There should be more of a time investment for the survivors to lock lockers. It's like a half second animation, so survivors basically lose nothing by stopping briefly and locking every locker they pass by. If it were like a 3-5 second animation, then they'd have to spend a lot more time stalling Dredge's power, or they'd have to be more selective about which lockers they want to block off

  7. I think Dredge at least should be 4.2 when channeling his power, so the "Hold W" playstile would not be rewarding as it is now against it, forcing the survivor to face the 50/50 situation (Dredge could be just faking or actually teleporting to its remnant). And as your sugestion, survivors should spend at least 3 to 5 seconds locking the lockers, so his teleport power would no be so easily countered. I love this killer, but compared to Artist it feels very weak.

  8. I personally think this killer exists in A-tier for the sole fact that you can teleport to basically anywhere on the map at anytime. If you chase someone and they start running to a structure you don't have time to chase through, you can effectively abandon that chase to get someone off of a generator that is nowhere near you. Yeah the teleport back to remnant is weak, but the macro potential is insane with the proper gen defense setup.

  9. I've found a good way to play him is using MyC, Dragons Grip, and BBQ (4th perk is basically whatever works for you, but I use Caller Brine a lot) because you pretty much always have some sort of information on where someone is. You don't commit to chases but rather pressure hard on exposed survivors

  10. His strength is playing towards nightfall and trying to teleport around and catch people off guard. If you play him to loop, you will find struggles as you climb.

    Easily high A to low S tier killer if you play him correctly.

  11. I get you, but I think the main issue has more to do with the survivor's meta than the Dredge itself. An M1, map control based killer will never rise up above B tier when survivors can bring medkits with multiple charges, find medkits, self care, or can brig COH. ESPECIALLY COH. You can't apply pressure when a survivor can shake it off in only a few seconds. Healing happens too fast and if/ when healing in general is nerfed, Dredge'll be in a far better place.

    Though, a few quality of life buffs might be nice-
    -The bang when you get to the lockers is quieter (though still present)
    -Locks are either harder to place by the survivors or easier to break (Maybe a limited time a locker can be locked)
    -When playing as the Dredge, more lockers spawn, and one or two ALWAYS spawn within 16 meters of a generator. (The worst feeling as Dredge is seeing that one of the last gens is miles away from any lockers)

    I don't think the Dredge needs a better chasing power. I am tired of every new killer needing to be good in chase. It's why I like Dredge so much. He does things that no other killer can and he does them pretty well. I just wish he was a bit more consistent.

  12. They should remove the slow down while charging only give each survivor only 3 locks increases his lung a little it seems kinda shorter than most killers I don’t know if it’s the skin but I feel like I whiff with him when I should be hitting them maybe add more lockers on maps that have little they should choose either stealth or speed and teleport to buff only keep one nerf the other so he’s not broke but still good or maybe make it to where he can set like


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