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Timestamps :
Intro – 0:00
1st Game – 1:10 (Midwich Elementary)
2nd Game – 9:12 (Forgotten Ruins)
All music used in this video is courtesy of ChillHop ( and is DMCA compliant.
#dbd #dbdkiller #deadbydaylight
Hey Everyone! Just realized I somehow cut out the intro meme… RIP
What is the name of the perk on top?
Yo it's Nokotan Dredge 🔥
What's the final perk in your build.
I can't wait to see the guide for Dredge, been struggling a lot in the higher ranks (I think mainly a skill issue) and hope the guide helps me at least get me a sinle kill, nothing too big since I'm learning that not every game I can get a 4k and that a full team can get out, learned that the hard way 😅
4:52 I understand what you mean by this, I'm also gulity of giving up myself on both sides depending on the mood (If I'm not in the mood, I have to stop playing and take break), I'm learning to just play the game for fun and just vibe on the mood, if I win I win, if I lose I lose, though it can be hard at times, met a godlike swf that kicked my ass a few days ago, I have to just calm down and just vibe
Whats the top perk on the first game?
I can’t blame people for giving up, MMR just doesn’t work, one potato teammate and the game just isn’t winnable.
Deer dredge along with were-elk in 2v8 will be backwoods nightmare
Hey Gaming Athlete, I was wondering if you'd maybe be interested in making videos reviewing other people's Dredge gameplay? I think me and many others would like to see how we can improve our Dredge gameplay.
Such a creepy Dredge skin I like also grate videos
have a shot every time this dude says super
is bros "new favorite skin" every new skin?
Yeah people give up way too easily. Pretty much every second game some loser gives up. And usually at 5 gens when I didn't even do anything yet, it is genuinely pathetic.
no clue why they keep giving dredge animal themed skins but they look sick so im not complaining XD
Ah yes. A new ADHD Dredge video.
At least the weapon dont take 80% of the screen like mrcrab
HOLY SHH WHAT Is THAT SKINN?!?!? im fine with gore but im eating and something about that makes my eyes unhappy
this skin is just like vengeful roadkill.
I honestly have no clue how dredge is not one of the most played killer, it is fun, it's perks are pretty decent, it's visuals ARE INSANE and it's def one of Behaviour favorite ,it almost only gets good skins and it's addons can allow a wide range of different plays. I suppose it's low pickrate is ndue to the niche of his gameplay, but still.
This killer looks OP as fuck
At 4:30 that mori looked so cool in the darkness.
Right now Idk if I should get myself Oni or Dredge since I don't have any other killer xd
You should test Surv' + Opression, there is a very very good value on the dredge tbf
Honestly I don't find it fun to play against the dredge
Ima wait until this skin is for shards.
BUT? This is def a all time fav new skin swell. It feels like something out of the true fog and it blends in so well.
Would love your opinion on my current favourite Dredge build.
Make Your Choice, Friends 'til the End, Dragon's Grip, SH: Floods of Rage.
Makes Dredge truly terrifying, downing most survivors instantly, switching targets to go after whoever is currently exposed.
I don’t play for one day and the drop another dope dredge skin😮😮😮🎉🎉🎉
That's a Not Deer.
It's the lack of eyes that makes it so unnerving for me
Mr Turkey always gets such nice skins but I can’t stop using the snowman one. The frost effects are too good. Also, the sporadic and quick camera movements are giving me nausea 🤢