Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
In this video we go over everything related to tools of torment from the chapter that came before to the leaks and speculation from the chapter before its release. then diving in to the design of the power and perks and overall all the content that the chapter added, and how the community perceived it afterwards! Also with my own silly commentary!
0:00 – Into/Thank You!
0:39 – Forged In Fog
3:56 – Midchapter/Leaks
5:15 – Tools Of Torment Teaser Trailer
5:44 – Community Speculation (More Leaks)
8:17 – The Skull Merchant
9:37 – The Skull Merchant Perks
10:33 – The Lyra Siblings
11:25 – Thalitas Perks
12:21 – Renatos Perks
13:30 – Uh oh The Perks Sucks
14:14 – Map Changes
14:57 – From PTB to Live
15:40 – Oh…
17:29 – She was Predator?
18:06 – Regression Meta
18:58 – 3-Genning/Chess Merchant
20:22 – We need big changes
21:37 – 3-Gen Prevention System
22:25 – Shes finally Changing/Chapter Flopped Hard
23:52 Closing Thoughts/Outro
Gameplay Credits
#deadbydaylight #dbd
I think the gen regression limit is dumb, whats the point of surge and kicking without dmg perks if it only regresses 8 times? Especially when survivors swarn one specific gen until u cant kick it further.
if i had to suggest a chaptery I'd go with portrait of a murder.
it is a strange, unique beast. from The artist not being updated since she launched, Jonah being the least picked survivor, the lore, the choice to have a killer from Chile. and a survivor who worked for the cia ( who helped fund a dictator ship in Chile), the "eerie" issue, Artist having the best perks, there is a lot to unpack
Great video! If I can make an editing suggestion, I would recommend only fading out the video while you make a transition. The audio fading away cut off your words a bit.
My gamer theory is that perhaps skull merchant wasn't scrapped predator license but everything about her feels half assed. Nothing about her feels thought through but like something you have to pump out very very quickly. The way her face is similar to trickster. The way the new perks didnt introduce anything special. Her half baked backstory that doesn't really make sense. It's like something you get when you put couple of people in one room and have to brainstorm an idea in one afternoon and go with it. Like it was suppose to be singularities chapter but it had to be pushed back for one reason or another. Also the fact that "tools of torment" could be used for singularity aswell. Surveillance and tagging survivors. The way he mories survivors… If you change the context from space robot ai going rogue to remotely controlled robot…
Hate yall
It's been two years bro let it go 😭
congrats on 1K austin !!
I would LOVE a video on end transmission. Great video and im excited to see what's next ^w^
Man… i don't know if it's a general feeling, but imo this "Knight – Skul Merchant" was the worst period DBD has ever had (at least the worst of the years that i played, 2020-2024)
The "Skull Merchant was supposed to be Predator" theory was the funniest thing to watch happen as a Predator fan. Weapon aside, she had no relation to Predator in the slightest. No Shoulder Cannon, Cloak, Combi Stick, Smart Disc, nothing about her actually relates to the Predator.
Btw as a Brazilian, i wish i could punch Behaviour for pretending that Skull Merchant is Brazilian
Let's be honest the music on this chapter is good 😭
I'm surprised you didn't mention that they completely removed the individual DLC from the marketplaces and replaced it with a bundle DLC to combat the overwhelmingly negative reviews.
If you couldn't deal with Merchant 2.0, you are just bad at the game, and I am not sorry.
Thailitas vault perk unironically saved me so many times, killers are very audio and visusally dependent so anything that messes with that can have value
Kinda like how scratch marks are so bugged rn that any perk that effects them just carry in some situations
10:44 The Lyra twins, Thanito and Renato 😂
I remember when she also had one of the worst mori in the game before they fixed it
It says something even now the few times you come across merchant they make sure to make your game miserable, because let's face it with a reputation like hers the ONLY people who play her are assholes who want to ruin games, infact the only people who like skull merchant it seems are either edgelord teenagers who sling slurs, or toxic twitter stans who love her unconditonally solely based on the fact she's a woman…. yeah after tools i saw alot of dbd twitter love her and hate wesker saying tools was a bettter chapter because it had a female kkiller they could objectify and oogle
16:17 aren't the Megaman and Mortal Kombat comics from Brazil? same thing
And here I thought either Binding of Kin or All-Kill were the worst, but this chapter provided me wrong.
Oh I absolutely adore end transmission! My favorite chapter by far just because of the killer. Cannot wait for that video!!
It’s crazy how ppl feel about trickster
Only reason i got DBD was cuz of the cool trailer and cool design
Never seen a trailer since grab my attention like that until the dredge
Her device looks military. Her costume looks like a worker's costume. It's a stealth killer. But this mask doesn't fit the design at all. Her lor with this manga is complete nonsense. Even her animations are half finished. What a disaster
Hello, fellow old skull merchant enjoyer here. dodges volley of tomatoes
I enjoyed her primarily because i enjoy zoners in games. I also found her radar tracking and ability to gather intel very fun and appealing. I don't like mechanically demanding killers, so she very quickly became my main. I used her chase focused addons and did my best not to 3 gen. Her current iteration is unplayable, so I have sadly dropped the character.
She is meant to get another overhaul this year, so im hoping she will be more like her original iteration.
As of now, she’s hardly played anymore since her gut nerf and sometimes I still see people disconnecting against her. I don’t like her design and her release but she’s a Killer and we have to deal with it. And now we just need a rework to make her really suitable for the game
this chapter sucks but the survivors are cute so I still bought them with iri shards
other then that dont bother
This is more focused on the Borgo part. Making it dark is good for colour blind people yes, but people who have poor eyesight struggle. That map is TOO dark. On Console it’s been recorded as being way too dark too.
I remember trying out Skull Merchant when she came out and it was the worst first impression. I played as her for a whole evening after school and I kept winning over and over again, yet it didn't really feel like I was winning, so I got bored and went to play someone else
15:33 keep in mind skull merchant has less perk usage because she is a unpopular killer overall, Since killer players are more interested in unlocking new powers with interesting killers rather than for perks.
Also the more expensive newer killers, like unknown and houndmaster perks are also near the bottom, notably all shaking thunder and unbound which are very decent perks IMO and only have a low pick rate because they are tied to a killer that costs 9k iri shards instead of only 4500 shards
Small tips:
– if you want value from Hubris, use it on instadown killers. It can make safe loops much more unsafe, and turn the average 50/50 into a 70/30. Its use as a zoning perk is the real use-case feature, meaning non-zoning killers benefit best.
– Quick Gambit value has been rather plentiful in the tunnel and slug meta, provided the person using them can hold chase.
– amusing seeing someone call Background Player bad. Maybe you just don't have good takes, you do seem to prefer negativity to practicality or thorough analysis – it was a 'bully perk' even in the ptb – 'obvious' hyperbole on my part. Not a whole lot to be positive about in this chapter.
I like the aesthetic. I like the breakdown, even if the subject matter does seem to taint the delivery. You might want to tighten up the fades between sequences, maybe equalize those tiktok-esque sfx, but keep creating content.
The main reason it flopped was her physical design , put the new lunar cosmetic on her and she 100% becomes more likeable
please make more like this
aw man you almost had me until the very end, youre one of the people that will DC against merchant without fail? fucking no power merchant? thats laughably pathetic