The Forum User Guide to Debating Dead by Daylight

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27 thoughts on “The Forum User Guide to Debating Dead by Daylight”

  1. Haddonfield is op? I've seen stupid broken infinites spawning there most of the times i played

    also, the new resident evil map is a problem as well, so Haddonfield is totally fine

  2. Why do these examples of yours sound oddly familiar…As if there were discussions in the past where these 2 particular topics got mixed up in one context. Weird.

    Anyway, Medkits OP, pls nerf (I'm not even joking, Medkits are duckin brutal and they should increase the time it takes to heal yourself)

  3. I feel like these types of arguments happen when the problem affects only killers or only survivors but not both. The console lag problem for example affects everyone so there's universal agreement that it's a problem but whenever there's a balance issue where a killer is too strong or swf is too strong then the other side points out the OP stuff that the other side has because they want that to be fixed first/instead. Sometimes I feel like people do that since they don't want the OP thing that they can abuse to go away but they want the stuff that can be abused against them to go away. If survivor mains are empathetic towards killer mains and visa versa and everyone asked to fix these balance issues on both sides the game would be so much more fun, you wouldn't have people abusing broken unbalanced parts of the game out of necessity because otherwise they hardly stand a chance against the other side when they abuse unbalanced stuff (which isn't fun for anyone).


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