The Future of Dead by Daylight SAVED?! Singularity & Nicolas Cage?!

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Hey everyone! The 7 Year Anniversary BHVR stream was just last week, we have a new PTB introducing a new killer, survivor and map! And with a lot to go through, let’s consider if Dead by Daylight is saved after a couple of rocky prior chapters!

Bankov, B,. 2019. The Impact of Social Media on Video Game Communities and the Gaming Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2023].


21 thoughts on “The Future of Dead by Daylight SAVED?! Singularity & Nicolas Cage?!”

  1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚what planet do use live on. I'll ask u one question and if you come up with a answer that comfortes that dbd is on a winning direction you win. We have a new killer 6 parks a map and a surviver………wupdeeewooow brand new game.

  2. My only concern with the reporting this is that now players may spam reports on anyone they don’t like wether that depends on how they played, what perks they use, or what characters they chose.

  3. I'm so excited for this next chapter. The killer is fun to play and face, perks are decent, map is BEAUTIFUL despite the clutter, but I do have faith in BHVR to listen to feedback on the clutter and hope for them making changes.

    The small changes for other killers' add ons and even their powers are exciting as well. The Pyramidhead change I feel is TOO much without giving the survivors a way to get rid of torment without uncaging another survivor, but I like that it rewards players who are good with the power.

    The anti-camp mechanic I feel is a fantastic idea, it will definitely make queueing as survivor more tolerable.

    Events are always fun, even if its just for a week or two, it's so nice having a little change for that time.

    My biggest concern is feedback the playerbase gives. Considering BHVR have done pretty well with listening to player feedback lately, I worry for genuine feedback getting lost in a sea of negativity that isn't constructive in any way.

  4. The more they go for the fun less serious approach, the more they will lose players. They apparently don't understand that the biggest influx of players happened on each of the DLCs that featured actual horror icons from movies/games. They've had fans of those big titles playing their game, but the more they fuck around with dumb shit like Teddy Bear trapper and such, the more they will go down.
    Reddit and other discussion boards create a false sense about how the community is. They're only a small minority of it. Why ? Because most of the player base doesn't sit and chit chat about useless things on reddit, and if they do, they eventually get banned, because reddit is a cesspool for woke lefties. A few wrong opinions and they perma ban you. Hell I've been perma banned for using those exact words "woke leftists"

  5. Okay, so your opinion on this chapter is pretty much similar to mine. I think that the new killer is interesting & visually stunning, but gameplay-wise survivors can easily counter him because it's too easy to get EMPs & they disable biopods for a long duration of time. Also, new map looks pretty & but gameplay-wise it's a mess. I'm excited about the new perks too! Especially survivor ones!

  6. I think Hux is super cool and plays like no other killer, and shows that bhvr is capable of executing some complex designs. Him being difficult is a good thing, especially since some ppl have been playing for 7 years. imo this is a really good start to year 8 :))

  7. This chapter completely ruins the aesthetic of the game. I'm not saying Cyborg Boy and Dvarka have no place in the game, but to just drop them into the game is jarring. Until now it had been established that all characters and settings come from the past or present with the exception of some cosmetics. They could have more gradually introduced sci-fi elements than just jumping to 2313. Or they could have had the Entity transform him into a half-golem type creature and altered the map which would show the Entity to have more power than to just kidnap people and spectate trials.
    BHVR continues to nerf the game by destroying perks/addons/items/synergies or extending the amount of time survivors have to hold M1. They continue to take away options from players without replacing them with anything. They keep reusing bad mechanics for perks and killer powers like changing movement speeds and making yet another killer teleport. They haven't made or remade a good map for DbD gameplay in 3 years. They are clearly having trouble securing licenses. They really need to find a way to add more fun in the near future, but they never do anything quickly.
    This will be the worst anniversary ever.

  8. The new killer is extremely chase oriented. He has to set up mid chase and the EMPs are fine as long as you play him in the chase way and not in a 3 gen way. Set up cameras, find and start chasing a survivor, set a camera mif chase, give em DA GOO, shoot them with your m2 to teleport (because yes a lot of people don't know that you can teleport by shooting at them) get basically god mode, hit, shoot again, down. The task for the survivors is trying to aquire an EMP mid chase and destroy their bloobs so the killer won't be able to teleport to you and get overclock. For me the killer is really fun to play as and against tho he dose have a high skill ceiling

  9. Im a little confused by the camping solution cause if the survior can free themselves can't the killer who is alr camping them just put them back? cause it takes either 1-2 hits to knock out a survivior so im not sure how it helps. The killer could just follow the survivor and focus fire them anyway. Im thinking the survivor should get a both spd and invibility buff for a short duration so that they can escape the killer and make the killer not want to camp. Any thoughts?

  10. Overall I have hope again. There are so many things that finally show them caring about their player base! And admitting to faults in the game while also trying to fix it. For a very long time it felt like they don't care about our foon, but the anti camping feature? This alone makes me so damn happy for various reasons.
    Oh and I love the editing in this video πŸ˜€

  11. The Singularity is going to be the best killer they have ever made in my opinion. I didn't play against any actual people(because I am not waiting 20 fucking minutes for a match lol) but everything about playing him just feels smooth. Nothing about his gameplay feels clunky like The Twins or convoluted like The Knight.

    Also he fits into a category of killer I have wanted for a long time – a surveillance killer. Skull Merchant also kind of fills that role but her information from the drones is pretty much given to you for free and you don't have to do much plus it is only in up to 4 specific spots. Meanwhile Hux can monitor almost an entire map and he does it actively. It makes you feel like you are above everything.


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