The Genrush Chronicles – Ghostface – Dead by Daylight

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9 thoughts on “The Genrush Chronicles – Ghostface – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Zeb you told us before you have past experience with fps arena games, saying you quite decent, so why dont you bring us something like that sometimes? There is no high level fps player who is also entertaining to watch out there

  2. I have noticed dbd is a totally different game depending on which MMR you play at. I went back to dbd after close to a year break. My MMR dropped all the way to the bottom. I was surprised survivors were suddenly missing skill checks. Hiding in the corner of the map for the whole game. Basically, you could be playing against bots at low MMR.

    Then my MMR went up and I started going against rank 50s and above. It was crazy. Gens were flying. At low MMR I could hook 8 times and still have zero gens done. At higher MMR, even before I get my first hook, 1 or 2 gens get done. The difference in difficulty is nuts.

    So, I am forced to play sweaty at higher MMR because obviously losing and getting tea bagged at the gates isn't fun. So, I have to play more sweaty. However, doing that just further pushes up my MMR. Then I am going against even more sweaty 4 man comms teams, which makes the game not even fun anymore. You basically need every chase to be perfect if you want to win.


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