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In this video I’ll do a complete breakdown of the PTB, upcoming mid chapter, and all the features being removed in DBD.
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The only killer i enjoy rn are oni and wesker. If this update hits live im probably quitting
They started to do good and healthy things and now they break it to do broken things, sometimes bhvr is so weird
BHVR singlehandedly buffed all of the high mobility killer and nerfed all of the low mobility/legit-slug killers in one PTB, further expanding the space between the top tier killers and low tier ones.
Rancor and Devour hope should instantly bleed up downed survivors that could have been moried
No killer will benefit from this unbreakable base kit, no nurse or blight, if the last survivor hide in a locker that's it countered
BHVR sucks
My back pack build is going to be fun
They 100% have to address sabotaging, body blocking and hook dead zones. I also feel like I am going to get real tired real fast of sitting through moris at the end of every 4k.
Everything about this update is lame af
Why couldn't they just give survivors a kill switch when they are in the dying state just like they are able to kill themselves quicker on hook faster? Wouldn't that solve the problem of killers dragging the game out?
Great video as always Choy! Hopefully they will do huge changes before this update comes out, one of the worst ptbs yet.
Since 2 old meta perks are basekit for survivors they need to do the same for killer because having a alternate win condition for killers seems good but if somehow 3/4 gets down fast before the in built unbreakable is used then that's on them being bad an don't deserve a second chance for that an even so that alt win condition is different for a lot of low tier killers who struggle at loops an ect. It also stops some killers getting pressure by slugging an if you look at it nurse technically just got more crackhead.
Zamn the hook respawn is just shit
Good update, no more toxic slug, happy.
Bully squads drooling over these changes. I rarely slug too but lord if I have to against bullies. It’s over af
Literally just make the self res after 2-3 down. Avoid 4 man bleed out and avoid abuse. But that’s too ez ig
has someone even tested on the PTB if the bounty(mori) offerings even count a disconnect as a kill?
cause i know thats not the case for challenges
I never thought of We're Gonna Live Forever until you mentioned it. That perk is gonna be useless because why would you ever get off a gen to pick up a slugged teammate when they can pick themselves up? If this update goes through (I personally hope it gets scrapped), they'll have to change that perk for sure
I think i can speak for all if not most solo players is that at least they don't have to deal will npc teammates that don't crawl away from the hooked survivor giving the killer an easy way to camp.
Here is also something you might consider is that despite theses changes , if it makes it, and like you said that Tunneling and camping would be more benefit in this update. Now take that to an account and survivors will complain about the amount of camping and tunneling and would cry to the devs and then the devs would make another perk base kit for the survivors.
Also say goodbye to Frosty hand nurse, I loved that easter egg and now it will never be seen again
Dont think Ill ever play dbd again if all these changes go trough, they feel extremely unnecessary and the devs could focus on balancing these nerfs or unused perks/killers rather than completely changing the game again (which I thought was already done just fine with the whole mid-chapter thing)
Super happy about the flashlight change.
Plague is gonna be even more terrifying. I've 4 slugged with her so many times.
Does BHVR even know what they want their game to be at this point?
My biggest concern about Survivors picking themselves up is that it will remove a lot of pressure from the killer. Sometimes Gens are popping left and right and you catch two or three survivors at the same time.. downing one of them would have meant that the remaining one would then have to come for the pickup while you chase the other two. Now you have to break chase and hook the guy while everyone else keeps doing gens. Some killers will really suffer from these changes. It's also a big waste of power for a lot of killers. Myers Tier 3, Oni Rage or Corrupt Purge would usually keep me from hooking early, so i can fully use it.. but now i'd have to waste it to get the hook.
[Sighs in Trapper and Hag main, because this update is probably only going to worl against us]

Hope with this they nerf high mobility killers so they can't spam wihout penalties their abilities to travel far and then spam them on chase.
A good example is Legion entering in an actual CD + mental shutdown everytime he misses 1 hit with his ability.
Yes, we all are tired of nurse as survivor; but also we are tired of infinite fleshlights + body block spam and infinite heals.
About No Mither, they have said they intend it be the "Hard mode" perk. So, nothing will change and honestly that's fine.
About your Unbreakable change. An even simpler change is just make Unbreakable's fast recovery work one time.
I just redownloaded the game and now I’m gonna Uninstall it again
I mean the point for no mither is the fact that it was a meme perk and that there was no intention of fixing it
I just Spend 9.000 Shards To Unlock Hag to Have Devour But now it's Useless Well i Want My Grind And Money Back Please.
Hooks respawn, are you on drugs lmao
I play both sides I I just plan ahead, I think your the only one complaining about hooks lol 
the string cheese finger analogy really caught me off guard
Going to be honest I'm now going to be picking a target to tunnel. You might ask why it's simple this is just how I choose to play tired of the stand offs tired of survivors being so cheap with tactics that you either are forced to lose or force to be just as cheap. So yep not sorry for what I'm going to do to survivors devs broke the game and don't want to fix it.
Killers who don't camp or tunnel are about as rare as survivors who care about the killer's fun. Tunneling may be a "get out of jail free" card for killers but honestly, I see it as a necessary evil sometimes given how much free/fast healing is in this game. I'd be all for outright removing camping and tunneling if the developers made injuries actually matter. Since right now a survivor with a medkit can undo the damage you've done to them in 12 seconds.
i was really hoping for twins this midchapter. Im assuming they're gonna save twins rework for the midchapter that they push slugging changes to live
Idgaf about BPs from Mori. I plan to burn all my Mori up before the update. Give survivor mains the same treatment they gave killers before the key changes
If they can fix flashlight clicking they should also fix crouch spamming so i don't have to see stupid survivors teabagging at the gate make it to where you have to hold the crouch button instead of clicking it
Mori, have I introduce you to Task manager? Yea, good luck getting a mori game cuz I'll be dipping before the game start lol.
Deerstalker becoming meta?
Why the hel late they removing the Mori offerings, they still have use even after the update, if they change the mori offerings I will quit the game.
Is mori being added to base kit, meaning I can mori the survivors after 2 hooks without the offering.
I am confused, why is everyone is referring to it as base kit Unbreakable? Current Unbreakable allows you to get up ONCE, with an increased speed. This new mechanic allows you to recover super slow (without any perks) and get up an infinite amount of times. It's more like basekit map-wide Exponential.
more bad than good
1 step forward 2 steps backwards
Behavior be like;
Being Broken forever < Not having a 25% recovery speed
Having one slot wasted < Not being able to see the obsession for some extra seconds and have only it exposed (while there’s a perk that is free for everyone that makes everyone exposed and there’s no real way to anyone get warned that it is being used, A.K.A. NOED)
Hey Choy, try Huntress with knockout, lethal, darkness, iron maiden. Then hook 1 survivor, down 1 via m1, down the last 2 via Hatchett. Watch how fast you end games.