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That double gen pop also had me scared lol. Good job, great game!
Try hex face the darkness, insidious, sloppy butcher, and thrill of the hunt as a build. Use the add-on to see the box. Hit one survivor, camp the box with insidious and watch them struggle to heal or complete generators.
LSR's pro-tip for hitting with The Cenobite's chain: aim for the survivor's butt. 🤣🤣🤣 I learn all kinds of things watching Rockie's streams.🤭
I’m impressed by your performance on that match. As a pro Pinhead player myself on mobile, I can say you did a good job for a first match.
Since your playing on pc, I would recommend using Original Pain as a way to cancel endurance perks like dead hard. Also, there are times where you should chain a survivor & when not to just like if you should teleport to the box or not. If a survivor is close or around a loop & you know you can get them after chaining, don’t hesitate to chain them. If one is far away though like that Ace was at 12:18, I don’t recommend chaining since they’ll break free quickly & get more distance from you before you even get there (unless if your using Frank’s Heart & Engineer’s Fang, then go for it).
When it comes to the box, it’s very important that you find it immediately when the game starts. At the start of each match, the box will always spawn the farthest away from all the survivors & killer locations. Because of this, I would recommend using Lethal Pursuer as a way to learn where the box is located & also advise watching Otzdarva’s tutorial about how the box works.
Anyways, good job on your first game with him, can’t wait to see you grow in power with him like I did on mobile.
Ur already 10 times better with the chains then me xD rly nice game and nice build. Did u know u can actually use lethal pursuer to find the box at the start of the game? (there's a video of Otz explaining how boxspawn works)
My personal fav build, even when not the strongest, was devour hope with undying and or thrill, so u have basically uncleanseable devour and can check them with your chains easily
Pinhead, Myers, and Ghostface are my favorite killers to play. I don’t know why but their powers always feel fun, and not too punishing like some other killers.
I like using Lethal with BBQ to track where the box most likely spawns. Most matches I can find the box immediately to start chain hunts, then get downs to feed BBQ to find the next spawn. I've sometimes gotten 4 hooks in before survivors can do a single gen or solve the box to stop the hunts.
Far from.
Oh hey, there's me pointing out how you always try to chain the booty.
Wednesday Addams is that you? 😳
You should try out a build with hex: face the darkness, insidious, ruin and thrill, use the add ons to find the box at start of the game, hit one survivor then proc insidious ontop of the box and wait for the chain hunt to activate. Because of face the darkness and the chainhunt it will make it impossible to do anything
😱 The Box 📦 😵💫 you 🫵 opened it 🫨🤮