THE GUILT TRIP! – Dead by Daylight!

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10 thoughts on “THE GUILT TRIP! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. They played extremely poorly but they still expect to be able to win, cause that's actually the norm with most killers: Play bad and still win cause most killers can't deal with unfair pallets and huge maps.

  2. Survivors can be so salty. Tonight I had 4DC at the beginning of the match. They got ruin and one gen done. I had a single player down at pallet and I knew they were around so I had to slug for a bit. Got two down one on hook and one on victor. First three DC and then when the final guy didn’t find hatch before me. He DC’d. I mean what’s the expectation. I should let them pallet stun me on pick up. If they are dumb enough to keep getting downed instead of giving up the save then they are going to be destroyed. Simple as that. The survivor salty tears is rife in this game. Made all the worse by the complete imbalance at high ranks

  3. To "respect" something basically means "to anticipate it and play around it".

    Example: you are playing a Hearthstone-like card game. You can play 4 creatures this turn. However, you are playing against an opponent who has 2 copies of a card that says "kill all of your opponent's creatures". And they're very deep in the deck. So, instead of playing 4 creatures you play, like… 2. Just enough for them to use the card you are playing around, but not enough for the card in question to be absolutely devastating.

    Same here. You hear Spirit's terror radius? Stop working on a gen. Just… sit there a sec. If she appears right in front of you, she gets a hit, but not a grab. If she appears somewhere else – you can safely continue working on a gen until her power comes back.

    You lose a little bit of gen progress to not get grabbed. Sure, it still sucks, but, instead of getting absolutely obliterated by Spirit, you only get set back somewhat.

    The opposite of "respect" is "greed". In the card game example a "greedy" play would be you playing all 4 creatures and just hoping your opponent doesn't have the stupid card. Might work. Might not work. If it doesn't work – you get "punished".

    Same with the gen. You can just keep working on it and hope for the best. But if you grabbed – that's a "punish".

  4. i dc not often in this game but the one time i do it's against you, lmao. i must have looked salty but well played from your side though <3

  5. Now that I reach around the 5 rank area. I see a lot of spirit and I'm still need a ton to learn in this game for playing a month so far but I usually see great players too and a lot of them really carry me and 3 out 4 survivors usually make it out. I only started getting better playing with spirit because of you true, respect spirit


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