The Hardest Killer to Play in Dead by Daylight

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no it aint Nurse


23 thoughts on “The Hardest Killer to Play in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Recently I did all adepts for killer (I’m a hard survivor main so I’d only had like 10 hours as killer out of 600 hours) and hillbilly was by far the hardest adept to do. I did his adept later so I was in higher MMR matches and I remember my first two games I ran into Atleast 15 walls each. One of the survivors complemented me for using my chainsaw a lot since he never sees many Billys do it, it’s cause it’s so damn hard to.

  2. I’d say trapper is the hardest. Just setting up traps can lose you 2 gens or more, AND if you don’t or can’t funnel correctly, you lose on a lot. No snowball? Rip.

  3. Nurse is the only killer in the game that I can confidently go in with no perks, no add-ons, having not touched that particular killer in over a year, and go from rank 20 to rank 1 (or whatever the equivalent of that is now) without breaking a sweat.

    I have no once ever "mained" nurse when I play killer. I don't find her particularly enjoyable to play because going into a game knowing that you are going to win isn't enjoyable for me. But I could still do it with relative ease. I would honestly put nurse near, if not at the bottom of, any list depicting how difficult a killer is to play.

  4. As a nurse main who only plays perkless and addonless, she seems pretty balanced against good survivors, but anything less is just a massacre. I learned her in a week and have been practicing her for 500+ hrs without perks, it's ridiculous how good she is and I truly don't think there's a way to balance her other than to remove her completely. You're right, she belongs in a different game entirely.

  5. Nurse isn't even top 5 hardest killer imo
    How can the hardest killer to play be the killer who doesn't have to worry about loops, pallets, walls, gen spread, totem defending
    Huntress pinhead oni billy and blight are all more difficult imo

  6. I will never forget the best Billy player in the world, SiMooN, whom I had the honor to play against. He smacked my ass and now we are friends.

  7. I recently started playing Hillbilly coming from Nurse, I have played normal killers so it's not awful. I love playing him, he's so much more fun than sitting through 5 minutes of fatigue every match.

  8. Saying that nurse is the hardest killer to learn in the game but at the same time saying she doesn’t play the game is so contradicting imo, a killer that doesn’t need to learn the loops, mindgames etc is harder to learn than anything else….. yh right

  9. Oh look, another sheep community that serves as a Scott saga.

    It’s a repetitive cycle! Scott says something, everyone accepts it without question, and now Scott will do a few videos of him playing Billy to prove a point.

    Only difference between now and back in the day is that no one is truly passionate enough about the game anymore to have an in-depth debate that will lead to drama. So the drama bait for views has been deleted from the equation.

  10. So glad to see Billy get some attention for once, I absolutely love playing as/against him. Maybe we shall see some new Billy mains off the back of this video 😀


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