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And she never brought head-on into a trial again…
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
And she never brought head-on into a trial again…
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips
Well that's the fastest karma I've ever seen
How is Rancour working for you when it's been bugged since the mid-chapter release? I literally cannot mori obsessions anymore with Rancour even after EGC starts — is this from an older release?
Demogorgon with rancor/nemesis, now thats scary since his dash basically can make yourself get stunned in pallets more often
Served her head on flashbang so well
anyone know why when i play rancor i can't kill?
is any one have lately same problem?
The new saga
Dang it another reason to nerf pig
Head-On/Flashbang combo is always funny, even if you immediately get murdered by Rancor afterwards.
Benjo build 2.0
Who would win?
Survivor with Head On and Flashbang
Killer with Nemesis, Lightborn and Rancor
Find out next episode! *rolls credits
Can’t wait for the encounter, WooHoo My Sim vs Benjo DBD Shorts
You are the sole reason I really don't run head on anymore lol love ya man
Wait. Rancor also exposes the obsession?
"Benjo, how could you fall for that Head On? You had every chance to antici-"
(Notices 'Rancor' and 'Nemesis').
8 seconds they lasted…. embarrassing for the survivor
I see the entity is the one who broke rancor…
lmao rancor'd
I saw rancor and immediately knew her fate lol
oh good god that's beautiful