The Immersed Trapper Build | Dead by Daylight

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The new Trapper outfit from the rift looks amazing and it inspired me to try these two similar builds that are all about setting up traps and catching survivors off-guard in weird, unexpected ways. It’s not a very serious build but I hope that you enjoy the games nonetheless. 😊

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


29 thoughts on “The Immersed Trapper Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The "never heal rush gens" survivors almost never win against me as a M1 killer. Like its good against plague, usable against legion, maybe against some instadown stuff but why turn trapper into a M1 instadown killer? A little bit of healing and this might have been a 0k.

  2. Otz this is after a while one of your best videos. You playing more for fun and doing genius tactics with your experienced knowledge and memeing a little bit is what really you do at best. I really enjoy when you expand your trapper brain or in general show some unbelievable things I would not believe anyone else than you could do!


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