Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
It is a long Dead By Daylight video. Because I talked about the entire cast of survivors, I hate every single one, so I don’t know why I really did that. You’d really think I’d just have to go “This one is small” or “This one is loud” but I actually had even less to work with.
I do not claim to own any of the content in this video. All media in this video belongs to it’s respective copyright holders.
Social Medias~
Ending Theme: To The Moon- Dunderpatrullen
#DeadByDaylight #DBD
Everyone notices I got my lefts and rights mixed up but nobody notices the Blendette at 14:38
The Return of The King. Great video man. Made me laugh a lot! Hope everything is going great for you. Hope you continue making videos since you put a lot of effort into it and you aren't afraid of speaking the truth or what's on your mind and I think more people or content creators should do that. Don't give up and keep up the great work!!!
So this is why he’s been holding r1 for most of the steams its all coming together now next is a hillbilly guide
Those survivors drawings are really effing cute
Omg Rowby this video is really good no twitter memes this is brilliant good job
The best killer to have noed is Myers and huntress
Feng chibi cute tho
Dead Hard more like Crutch Hard. Eziest perk to use btw..
Can not call rowby gay on ps messages. Day ruined😢
10 skil cheq per heal?
Aw fuck yea just what I needed to make my day better
I always love it when peeps point out the amount of second, and third, and fourth…(5,6) chances survivors get and if they die it's either theirs or their teammates' fault, doing god's work
that's blood pact
The dead hard note part killed me 😂😂
40:15 “A beautiful symphony of;”
That was hilarious 🤣
Hoooly shit that line about the throwing team sent me. That was good.
fcking amazing video, 48 full minutes of pure entertainment
You contempt for survivors gives me life.
I had a nightmare about this game recently for some reason, there was me, Claudette, Bill and Ash.
The killer was the Trickster and the map was like some kinda of large IKEA store with walls and furniture forming cover for the killer and survivors in a maze like structure.
In the dream it played out like the game would, get hooked, repair gens, run from killer ect. What was scary was it was in first person for me, and the Trickster would taunt us when ever he’s near, get hooked or hit hurt like hell but healing felt really satisfying. Also unlike the other survivors, I could crawl on my hands and feet to move faster at a lower posture. This helped me a lot in the dream. Me and the killer had some weird perks too, like Hex:Brawler which decreased basic hit cool down by 15 percent when totem is alive, but the all totems aura is revealed for 5 seconds after two downs of a survivor, and I had a perk which allowed me to see scratch marks of me and other survivors when in proximity of the killer.
Weird huh?
I started singing along with the edubble lmao
Those chibis of the survivors are adorable
A 48 minute rowby video? Yeah today is a good day