The Jerk's Guide To The Trickster | Dead By Daylight

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Yun-Jin/LTG Voice: @opaluVA

Ending Theme: Dunderpatrullen – To The Moon


33 thoughts on “The Jerk's Guide To The Trickster | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Cool.
    Imp there's no need for a guide to tell all of you this: Which the this below is the only thing worth mentioning about Trickster.

    -It's that on controller Trickster will sway much much harder, helping intentionally to make his knives completely useless. Just another fraud, and it's proven a fraud because anyone using a mouse almost 'completely obsoletes' the entire sway. (It's there, and proven virtually non existent. Personally proven with a mouse Trickster can tech. never miss with some experience.

    -Same with Blight
    -Same with Nurse
    -Same with broken 180 M+KB spins
    -Same with wall hugging

    Stop lying to the world you pigs.

  2. Trickster main here. My favourite aspect of him has always been finding those sweet places where you can get a knife or two into a survivor not looking out for them. Even experienced survivors fall for them. For example, some versions of the shack have holes in the walls that can make it really unsafe if you go against a Trickster with good aim!
    It's such a shame they change Death Throes, tho: The accuracy challenge was quite fun, even if it was rarely as rewarding as you'd expect from an iri.
    Also: Holy shit that ad placement was smooth.

  3. Not only are exit gates super fast, but they can also just be 99%'ed. Even though the time for the realm to collapse is still probably plenty it just feels so much worse when your just trying to get one last hook and see the switch get instantly pulled.

  4. I really can’t stand how much of a bad rep. Skull Merchant is getting. Unlike Trickster, her ability actually provides pressure and intel, two very useful tools for a killer in DBD, yeah her lore doesn’t make a ton of sense, and her appearance is less than appealing, but her power more than makes up for it. Trickster is ok with the right add ons, any killer can be decent with good perks, but why pick Trickster when you can pick a huntress or deathslinger, their powers are more effective and the killers as a result are just by default better than Trickster. Skull Merchant is better than Trickster; her ability doesn’t suck, she can provide pressure to the map where trickster cannot, and while her perks aren’t the best, she’s still better at what she does than Trickster.

  5. I also had a terrible manager at Target named Jennifer and now I can't shake the thought that maybe for a brief moment we worked at the same store. But I highly doubt it. Still, great stuff. I feel your pain as I get incredibly disappointed every time I play Trickster as well.


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