The Killers' Therapist | Dead By Daylight Inspired ASMR

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You meet with an individual who provides counseling to those who often find it frustrating and stressful when playing the role of the killer in the realms of the Entity.

00:00:00 Pleased to Meet You
00:00:11 From Another World
00:02:58 Preliminary Questionnaire
00:08:51 The Party’s Poppin’
00:11:31 Unsportsmanlike Conduct
00:12:57 The Survivors’ Rulebook
00:20:43 Merry Go Round
00:22:27 Not Your Cup of Tea
00:24:25 Like a Record
00:25:44 What Happens After Each Session
00:27:26 Manipulators of the Realms
00:28:51 It Can’t Hurt You
00:32:48 Psychological Warfare
00:36:01 Starting to Understand You
00:37:29 Asymmetrical Realms
00:39:31 The Neglected and the Weak
00:41:33 When Lightning Strikes
00:43:46 Always in the Way
00:46:01 The Scourge of the Realms
00:49:05 No Second Chances
00:51:21 Most Efficient TActics
00:56:43 You can’t stand it, you know they planned it
00:59:00 Feeling Better Yet?
00:59:53 Nothing But Air
01:01:02 She Demands Respect
01:02:12 The Gods Do Not Play Fair
01:04:00 Hex: In Plain View
01:05:47 Learn To Let Go
01:07:45 Where Could They Be Now
01:10:20 Like a Needle in a Haystack
01:12:20 Concluding the Session
01:14:00 Now If You’ll Excuse Me…

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50 thoughts on “The Killers' Therapist | Dead By Daylight Inspired ASMR”

  1. Hey ER, do you think there will ever be a restock of the I Hope You Are Doing Well hoodies in the larger sizes? I had one back when they launched, wore it in high school, but i outgrew the thing. I adored it, was wondering if it'd be possible to get a new one!

  2. I sadly dropped dbd once I got an xbox cause all my progress was on Playstation and this was RIGHT when they reworked learning survivors perks so screw grinding 3 prestige’s for all of a survivors starting perks lmfao game isn’t that fun anymore to be doing that nonsense 🤌🏻

  3. I've been taking a break from this game since the last survivor buff, maybe this will get me back killing againg. I like this game, but it's just so unbearable.

  4. I cannot wait for the DBD players to watch this and finally realize how much the complaining is "You cant use X or do your objective or taunt! NoooOOOoOOo I cannot believe youre doing things within the limits of the game and its mechanics!"

  5. This is why I hate this game. The community really do be this way😂 “how dare you kill me! You should just stand there and not do anything!” “Why tf did you kill us! The game just started!”

    Biggest cry baby gaming community I’ve ever seen. Refunded the game because of it. Makes the game boring and annoying af. Like chill losers, it’s a game. You weren’t actually murdered.

  6. this is awesome!! I watch your old dbd asmr videos all the time, so I’m so excited to see you still like to make them ! I’d love to see some of your gameplay sometime :))

  7. One thing I noticed during this video is how well you have perfected "soft-speaking". Not once did I ever think, "Oh, I need to turn up/down the volume because the speaking is too loud but the other noises aren't", so thank you for that


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