The Knight and Flashlights Buffed – Dead by Daylight

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Bit of a miss, oof.


48 thoughts on “The Knight and Flashlights Buffed – Dead by Daylight”

  1. It's just me, but I actually like the Knight a lot. Using guards to break things and chase other survivors can put pressure if used right, making the match a 2v4 for a short time. In my opinion this could be one of the most unique chapters in DBD, but I agree that it's not that good survivors can see you green orb creating a path, the power can be inconsistent and a tactical play it's needed to try getting the best results. This is just what I think about the knight 🙌🙌

  2. I still don't get it how they figured a red mist effect was a good idea, with auras and scratch marks and pools of blood all being red. I would much rather see that maps foggy effect be a slightly darker shade of green/turquoise. Similar to the knights "ability color". That would give off more of an undead vibe.

  3. i was honestly hoping they'd decrease the leniency with flashlights, like a 0.1 second window. I think timing having to be accurate with beamers makes the gameplay really enjoyable from the survivor side, and the more high skill stuff the better imo. 0.1 seconds would account for the few times you save a microsecond too early and get the blind while the killer's already moving on your screen (which is definitely kinda frustrating). As you said, as killer if someone's in position to flashlight save that's your own fuck up and you deserve to be punished, but making that punish still require very specific timing is part of what makes the gameplay around flashlights so exciting for me. I'll definitely enjoy the change more on killer seeing more survs run beamers than on survivor myself.

    About the patch itself, to an extent i'm glad that a bad patch notes has gone from being a 'here we go again' to a genuine disappointment. at least it shows we're starting to actually have faith in the devs. mb one day we'll get a legendary patch with a good killer AND map design

  4. Buff yes but it still doesn't fix the overall glaring issue – being able to see his pathing which totally negates the patrols anyway. Just shitting them out immediately is still the best course of action which defeats his purpose.

  5. I still reckon he would be a fun trap killer. Guards should return to patrol after chase is broken with them, you should have to break their flag (and probably give the flag a 1 second removal so you cant just tap it in a chase you are losing)

  6. Honestly, I didn't even mind the PTB flashlights, missing the save is a rarity from my experience.
    As for Knight, I don't understand why there is a limit to length and time for a patrol in the first place.

  7. He really feels needlessly complicated for a "use power at loop, survivor leave loop or get hit" killer. Three different variants of his power but one is clearly better than the others, just feels like wasted potential on top of wasted potential.

  8. What is it with the killers released during the winter months kinda sucking? First Twins came out with one of the worst launches ever with the amount of bugs, not to mention Twins somehow being one of the worst killers, and the least fun to go against.

    Then you have the Artist, who is just boring to play as and against, one of the worst maps (mechanically atleast) ever released, and finally Jonah who…literally nobody cares about. I swear, the november/december releases are cursed.

  9. My ideas-

    Make it take longer to activate the summons, make it take longer for the guards to activate or begin patrolling the shorter the trail.

    Make trails leading to objects for break actions summon immediately and have the guards move significantly faster during these. Make the cooldown short on break actions.

    Having a guard patrol one area- a special ability for the jailer to occupy an area for a long time when you move away from it

    Allow only the chase one to be active while the other 2 are doing tasks.

    What this helps with- allows a unique playstyle built more on setting trails and cutting off a small part of the map. It provides more reliable disruption and more engaging chases.,

    What this helps- gives

  10. My best guess is, even if they were aware the Knight needs more changes for a good state, simple numbers changes are easier to get him in a “viable” state so people want to buy the killer; then they have time later to balance him in a fun way (or, if they’re greedy – just not, and continue working on the upcoming Amnesia: The Dark Descent chapter)

  11. Not every content update can be top tier.
    Let’s be happy BHVR is at least experimenting with neat killer ideas and isn’t the next S tier killer on par with nurse and blight

  12. I LOVE the concept of the Knight, but they really did just make Artist 2.0 where the most optimal strategy for the killer is to place your power at every loop immediately and the survivor loses and the most optimal strat for survs is to run away. And I agree with what you said about Trickster as well, I like you idea you had of making it so you have to mend to take knives out. ANYTHING that would make putting 1-5 knives in people but not damaging them actually matter. (Yes, this is frustration from a Trickster main lol)

  13. It feels like there are two conflicting teams working with this killer during conception. The ones that came up the killers original ideas and design and the ones that implemented those mechanics and tweaked the numbers for them. It feels like they really just bog down the concepts so hard to such mundane and disappointing mechanics, that they completely lose the original design concept. Which seemed like a killer with henchmen but became well this. I understand they want to move on to the next killer (because money) but would it really be such a bad idea to go back to the drawing board with this one. There is so many ways to make this concept good or at the very least interesting.

  14. He could literally be F tier like trapper and I would still buy him. I have waited for so long for a knight killer that I’m gonna buy the chapter no matter how good or bad he was. I just think the killer knight should have been the game for a long time already. Just like a pirate killer or Harry Warden from My Bloody Valentine a CANADIAN horror film.

  15. I completely disagree on the flashlight thing.

    For one, me running into bully squads every match (yes, EVERY match. I make a point of this because before the MMR change one or two years back, I used to almost not run into them at all) showed just how valuable flashlights are when used correctly. With or without flashlights, Survivors tend to dedicate one guy to keeping an eye on the killer waiting for him to go away so they can attempt a save. So there is practically no actual difference a vast majority of the time and I know this because I played a lot of survivor too.

    So all this update ACTUALLY does is encourage flashlights more… When encourages one of the least fun, most obnoxious elements of the game, which is bullying. I flat out don't think Flashlights should even exist simply by virtue of the fact that they AREN'T FUN. For the Killer, they are effectively a progress eraser. Maybe this isn't always how it is in terms of Gen progression, but that effectively doesn't matter because of how it FEELS for a Killer. "You can just put yourself in a position where they can't do it", bro, the mere fact that I plant my face against a wall as Killer to avoid flashlights and they still get that shit off is sheer clown town. It's stupid that that's not only a feature of the game but an encouraged strategy is stupid by itself, but it's even dumber considering it doesn't even work that well. It is annoying no matter how you slice it.

    And yes, I am aware "it's not a horror game" and that it's unrealistic to expect this game to play like a power fantasy, but is it really? I don't think it is. When I criticize this stuff I'm largely peeved with Behavior's ENTIRE design philosophy surrounding this game because all the marketing would have you believe it is about playing as the big bad menacing "Killer" and predating on helpless Survivors when the reality is Survivors are forming healing circles and teabagging on you… As horror icons like Micheal Myers and Freddy Krueger.

    This game commits the worst possible sin imaginable for any game with a star studded cast like this, and that's making characters like Nemesis and Pinhead feel like JOBBERS by its very design. And the flashlight, to me, is just indicative of their entire design ethos. They wanted to make something FUNCTIONAL without any consideration as to whether or not it was FUN.

  16. I think they should allow the guards to patrol permanently but you can only have one of each out at a time. Putting down a new Assassin for example would end the patrol path of the currently spawned Assassin. That way there is incentive for you to set up a complicated patrol path and leave the area knowing he'll stay on patrol and give passive value while you do other things. Then survivors can choose whether to ignore the area the guards patrol until they get replaced or initiate a chase when they know the killer is at the opposite end of the map to clear up that area.

    It would be like a more interesting trapper where this is more survivor engagement with how they want to clear the trapped area. It would be a net buff to the Knight since you still could do the same playstyle that currently exists in chase but with the added map pressure in addition to that, but wouldn't be too strong to the point that there's no counterplay for the survivors.

  17. Who cares if survivors can see the patrol routes it's not like killers have numerous Aura reading perks a lot more than survivors, and more coming with this chapter. Playing killer is boring after so long, playing survivor and bullying the crap out of killers is fun. It didn't used to be. I've played since 2017 it started getting bad with the toxic entitled killers around 2019 "when the game was one of the free games" because mom and dad wouldn't buy it and they got it free 😅 dang I miss skilled killers

  18. So the issue with spirit was that they were too unpredictable and forced survivors into a guessing game. But now we want to give this killer the same problem by removing the green orb which will be unpredictable and force survivors into a guessing game.

  19. I like the knight buff. Hell, I like the knight in general. I think it's a fun playstyle. If it's not fun for YOU, then that's okay, not every killer released is going to cater to your playstyle.

  20. As a killer main who almost never plays Survivor and has no idea how to use a flashlight, I will absolutely be the idiot that gets my team killed going for one without knowing what I'm doing. : D

  21. Even if the knight was good, I can't help but feel it's another killer with reused assets. To me it's just an M1 killer with zombies you manually place, but the zombies just have more speed and vision. Like they just copy and pasted but tweaked the numbers. I still feel like Blight was their last good designed killer with an unique mechanic, and without relying on anything like passive rubbish or being anti loop.

    But from the sounds of it, we at least get an outdoors map that's actually good for once? I'm sad to see we don't get any more maps added to existing outdoor realms because I would like to see more variants of The Decimated Borgo.

  22. I’d love the guards to be less chasey and more map control; maybe the guards will patrol for ages and won’t chase survivors BUT one guard causes anybody in his radius to have their gen progress or healing slowed or something, and another guard shows the aura of survivors in his radius, and then ONE guard will initiate a chase but just inflict deep wound idk. I just love the idea of the guards being a patrolling, constricting presence but in the current state they don’t patrol for very long at all so I don’t get what the point is 🙁

  23. They did a big miss. Apart from Jailor, guards can do at best one and a half full length patrols…. That's not a patrol, BHVR. That's "picking up something from that shelf". Not "Walk back and forth until you find a sneaky thing to attack".


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