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Survivor Sided: Badham
Killer Sided: Haddonfield
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Survivor Sided: Badham
Killer Sided: Haddonfield
Your bitching is the reason haddonfield got changed. Behavior should stop listening to you it’s ruining the game
Talk about new Torment Creek and how God awful it is.
idrc tbh which is surv sided. when nearly all the new killers make pallets irrelevant. it does suck for the old killers or if this was old dbd
I thought haddonfield was a wholesome chungus balanced map?
Until Garden of Joy came out I would 100% agree with you, but I completely disagree now as I just can't win on that map if I am not playing Nurse. Idk if it is a skill issue or it is just psychological trauma for me, but many people complain of how strong Garden of Joy is.
Edit: As for the easiest killer map, you still can't convince me Haddonfield is a bad map for survivors. I have counted my escapes since the rework and I am still counting. So far, I have escaped 38/56 times on Haddonfield as I have been playing pretty much only survivors recently. I think Cowshed is the worst survivor map now that Midwich got buffed hard. When I play killer I always win on Cowshed, while as survivor I can't recall the last time I have escaped from it since its nerfs
Instead of adding the Haddonfield house back wouldn't replacing the playgrounds with some jungle gyms bring enough "survivor sideness" to balance the map? I could see a long wall and a TL fitting those spaces, and they wouldn't be as good once the pallets were gone
Now when ScottJund is calling a map too small, you know you have a problem. He's been preaching about maps being too large for years.
Not to mention Bad ham has a lot of god pallets. The school can have 2 that has NO mind game. The basement house has a god pallet that is also 0 mind game. The 2 story house depending on the direction you loop is also almost a god pallet
As the only Deathslinger main left because they won’t buff him, all these dang maps are survivor sided 😂
I'd still rather play on Badham than Garden of Joy.
An extra annoying thing about Badham is that survivors seem like they needlessly teabag the MOST there, especially at exit gate.
Like ffs just take your free win and leave
For Haddonfield, just add a shack.
The Fabled Shaddonfield shall rise!
If they stoped focusing on variations, Badham would actually be a pretty good map… but they haven’t put a single amount of care or effort into it
Who cares if Haddonfield is kinda killer sided now? Its been soo extremely survivor sided for soo long its about time killers finally have a decent map since its still only one compared to survivors many and its really not even killer sided by a huge degree especially when the maps that are extremely survivor sided are to such a degree that like you said if you're aren't playing a top tier killer you most likely already lost just by being on the map which i never feel when playing Haddonfield as a survivor
Anytime I see haddonfield I don’t even try lmfao
Nah, I’d win.
Haddonfield went from Balanced Landing making it overpowered to requireing Balanced Landing to do anything.
Im sure escape rates are the reason why badham hasnt been changed. Im a map offering andy, bring badham pretty often and still lose quite frequently. I swear they will use everything besides houses or main building, even when they be getting tunneled, they will rarely run to the strongest stuff, Survivors just dont know how to play that map.
I got badham 4 times within four hours and there weren’t even any map offerings. I also got The Game and Garden of Joy 😭😭😭
The bots that have been added to the game have proven you can not win at these tiles against a survivor that runs them perfectly,
Loads in to Mt Ormond on Chucky. sigh
I always thought macmillian estate had the best map rng for survivor so many conecting jungle gyms and t and l walls
Haddonfield is literally a death sentence against mobility killers once the game is like 3 minutes in: the 3 decent pallets have been used & now they can just use their power to hit you before using it again before you can make it to anything. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a map do as big of a 180 except maybe Pale Rose
I still hate eyrie of crows more than badham as killer! I just know im in for a bad time if survivors bring me to that map😂
Bring back old Haddonfield
Leave Haddonfield alone go rework swamp or garden of joy lol
Haddonfield is definitely not the most killer sided map, just thinking you can and will loop infinitely IS the problem with most survivors. Haddonfield has so many structures and line of sight blocking that it's incredibly easy to hide and stealth, it's hard to 3 gen and section off the map because several last gens are inside different structures that you can't easily patrol, see or hear. And badham I agree has always been a strong survivor map but it's definitely not the strongest, like you said any killer with anti-loop shut down a ton of palet loops but yes killers that don't unfortunately just get stomped. Honestly behavior should make maps based around trapper- if trapper has a low win rate there it's probably bad for all other m1 killers, granted the amount of m1 killer ratio is going down as they make MORE killers but idk how i even feel about that, so now older killers are just feeling overshadowed compared to newer ones. I barely get the thrill of a billy, or trapper- heck i barely even see nurses anymore. It's always blight, huntress, wesker, vecna, nemesis (back), dracula (new), ghostface.
Personally, I think crotus prynn asylum is way more survivor sided than badham preschool because not only do you have God pallets like you do on badam preschool the map is massive and a wonder that it has not been changed yet
I fucking hate Badham so badly as map
I dont think adding a single house with a semi-decent window is going to do much for Haddonfield tbh. Said it yourself, survivors have 1 god pallet and its downstairs. They don't have anywhere to run to use against the killer. 95%+ of the pallets are weak or like you said 'might as well not exist'. And adding in killers who can still injure or down after a pallet is thrown like Nem or Phead just makes it even more frustrating to deal with.
Badhams worst issue is that survivors all spawn split up every time, and theres 0 way to pressure more than maybe MAYBE 2 survivors on it. IF it was just a busted map BUT the survivors could be interuppted at the start, then i think that would be fine, its the double dip i hate on this map when i play killer. Now on the other hand i see haddonfield i turn off the game, ITs the most boring uninteractive map ever designed. Actually just hold w until you innevitably get your free killer win. If im survivor and i see sadako on this map, thats the WORST match of dbd possible. The only thing you can do on haddonfield is stealth and stay FAR AWAY.
I love how scott sugestion is take a building out of Badham and put it on Hadonfield
Badham has pallets EVERYWHERE and not a single one of them is bad. Every house is super strong, it has a shack, main is super strong, there's the school basment which doesn't always have basement in it for some reason making hooking there super hard for no reason, or impossible if they have something like Boil Over. They need to remove shack on that map for starters. At the very least that alone would help with a few problems, it would still be super Survivor sided but it wouldn't feel unwinnable for M1 killers.
1:55 hard disagree, there should not be sections of a map where chasing a survivor there is an automatic lose just because the setup is so busted. Because with a single swing, and the speed boost, you can get to that structure from any part of the map unless you are playing against nurse/blight
Big rant on how they need to just make all maps have adjacent gate positioning. "L shaped" if you will.
All the best balanced maps in the game have one thing in common: The exit gates are in an L shape of eachother, rather than across from one another. If a map is too large, it usually has the exit gates across from one another. That said, there are exceptions to 'size' being a problem, but the problem realms that don't have size issues still have the exit gate issue. Game, Hawkins, Badham, Haddonfield. All of them have across gates rather than L gates. Sometimes Lery's suffers from no L shape, but a majority of it's variations do use L shape and those turn out to be great, fun, and balanced matches where in most matches people will have a chance to win on either side without it seemingly being skewed before skilled gameplay and other variables such as killer/perks comes into account.
A big way to make all maps more balanced is to simply move gates to be in an adjacent formation rather than across. By doing so, the developers need to adjust the actual position of loops and such as to not create deadzones far from the gates, and not to make too strong of zones near the gates. Across gates affect both survivors and killers. When a map's gates are far from eachother, the strongest loops are centralized usually with either the 'main building' or next to shack rather than just somewhere else on the map to be organically ran into. With L shapes, there tends to be "Main building" section, Shack section, and then a single "strong" section elsewhere far from the gates. There's a formula to how they design maps and where they decide to put strong options for chase breakers like 'god pallets' or second-story vaults, as is there a formula for where they decide to put breakable walls for killers. Usually second-story vaults and god-pallets are reserved for main buildings, but can also exist within that "strong chase zone" that exists far from gates to give a level of security, but they never exist directly next to gates or the shack. On some maps there are second-story vaults near an exit, but those have alternative openings to get down fast as a killer without having to vault as a failsafe for that design.
Breakable walls exist nearly exclusively within the 'main building' of maps, or next to vault locations with scarce alternatives; in the case of dead dawg, the shack itself has one, and the main building of the saloon has four or five, as they're directly adjacent to one another they're pretty much considered as one 'section' despite not being so, and thus everywhere else on the map is generally weaker to deal with it being such a strong area. Note though, that the saloon itself is far away from all the gates, even if they're L or across.
What I'm trying to convey is that the closer the gates are to one another, the weaker the corner with those gates has to be fundamentally for the map to work, and thus stronger options are elsewhere, where the generators will spawn. This leads to the killer's patrol routine of checking generators, finding survivors, and then the survivor's ability to run away to equalize out as more often than not the area the Survivor is already in has strong options. When they're trying to actually leave, they'll have less powerful options closer to their ultimate goal in turn. If the map doesn't follow this, then the risk of having powerful options right next to a gate exist, and it always feels one-sided for either team. Either the exit gate is too hard to stop people from getting to, or getting all the generators becomes too difficult to do without being in constant danger as the areas with generators will be weaker chase zones.
personally eyrie is worst for me. on top of being super survivor sided, I can't see scratch marks at all. I struggle with tracking enough as it is but eyrie is a buzz kill every single time I have the displeasure of loading into it
May be a skill issue, but the new Yamoka map with the stairs in the middle of the map is beyond awful now for survivors.
They will rework Ormond for some reason, auto heaven or another map that no one has problem with. But they will completely ignore Badham or the Game.
I’d say the new DND map in the knight realm is one of the strongest killer sided maps. I don’t think I’ve ever lost on that map and I main Myers.
Earlier today a swf brought me to badham with the impossible hook build and camping the underground of the preschool but unfortunately for them I was trying to do a basement build cuz of the hook survivor in basement challenge and completely negated their idea only for them to call me sweaty😂