The Most Underrated Perk in Dead by Daylight

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Hi friends! A huge topic of discussion in my chat lately has been distortion. People often ask me why I don’t like distortion and it inspired me to run Object of Obsession! In my opinion, distortion causes unintentional tunneling of teammates because if the killer is running an aura perk they will continue to see the same people over and over again. Keeping your teammates alive is so important to continue the game, so it ends up hurting you in the long run. It also incentivizes hiding and avoiding chase, which is not going to help you improve as a player. Instead I recommend running object of obsession. It allows you to see the killers perks just like distortion, with the added bonus of being able to actually see the killer too! It also gives you value every single game, unlike distortion that might be wasted if the killer doesn’t bring aura reading perks. If your main concern is tunneling, I recommend Off the Record, that also hides your aura, but only temporarily after you’ve been unhooked. I also find that with the uptick in distortion in games, there’s less incentive to run aura reading perks on killer, which is a bad thing. Without aura reading perks, killers will turn to more slowdowns which are much more oppressive. Let me know your thoughts down below! I love helping you guys learn the game and always take my content straight from my live stream on Twitch! I am live on Twitch Monday-Friday at 11am EST, stop by and say hi! Thank you so much for watching!

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11 thoughts on “The Most Underrated Perk in Dead by Daylight”

  1. hey mish, just wanted to add onto the pile of comments talking about how great your vids are and just say that i love your content. it's equal parts informative, comforting and hilarious. Ive learned a lot so thank you. I hope you're doing great and keep up the great work!


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