The Mystery of The Unknown: Dead by Daylight’s Scariest Killer

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Today I want to look at the question of what is The Unknown?

What’s so interesting about The Unknown is that the lore available in game is incredibly vague on what it actually is. When looking at the creature you might have some semblance of an idea, but none of these are necessarily confirmed, but all have some level of validity.

At the time of this video’s release Chapter 31 has been revealed, with new killer The Unknown and survivor, Sable Ward!

Thumbnail render by JMotionZ

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
Dead Wrong – Jeremy Blake
Missing Persons – Jeremy Blake

Intro 0:00
The stories of The Unknown 0:19
The OSS’ investigation and story 0:53
Olivia’s theories and story 4:38
Sable Ward’s story 8:57
The Hikers (potential story) 12:44
The Cabin Attacks (potential story) 13:21
The Police Station (potential story) 13:36
Additional accounts 13:54
The Unknown’s design 14:47
Conclusion 16:54


29 thoughts on “The Mystery of The Unknown: Dead by Daylight’s Scariest Killer”

  1. I think it might be an some sort of entity thats only weakness is the knowledge what it actually is, its doing its best to not be recognized and thats why it attacks everyone that tries to understand it, if it will be known it might perish after all its the unknown

  2. I think the unknow is a monster simiilar to a dungeons and dragons rpg book to be fair a fusion of 2.the deepswan and a mimic.because these 2 can copy voices of victins plus they are like a meat mass creature looking like a star shaped form.and his voicelines are all about conversations with his victins.the one from the dungeon line make believe he is a old world monster.

  3. I'm just seeing theories also about The Unknown is some kind of alien like the cockroach from Men in Black
    Of course this alien doesn't have like a physical body, the guy that we see in the lobby is probably his last victim it possess before Olivia's story, why the axe? maybe that's the last thing that it's last victim used to defend against this entity. Also it's new skin who is now a female version has the same characteristics as it's male version, if this could be canon, i would love to see like unlockables skins for this killer, but sadly i'm seeing we will have the same issue as Bubba in 2019.
    Unknown also doesn't know how to use an axe properly, we can see this in the animations (breaking doors he uses horizontal swings, instead of verticals as Huntress; it forgets about the axe in the pallet animation, and when breaking gens, it uses the upper base of the axe) but for damaging it knows, and probably the garden scissors is the same stuff.

  4. I think it’s a Extradimensional alien in human skin and I kinda find it funny that the Entity scared the Unknown so bad he was crying out for help , The entity is a mulitversal being

  5. The reason why the unknown is so creepy is because behavior capitalized off of the uncanny valley vibe it almost looks human but isn’t actually human which triggers our brain to naturally fear it

  6. They unironically owe Trevor Henderson royalties for this thing. It's just his aesthetic/shtick. It'd be like if there was a "Tall Man" and it was just Slenderman without giving Vic Surge a dime.

  7. My headcannon was that the unknown is an alian/cryptid that hunts humans and takes their body. I think it wants to fit in with humanity but doesn’t understand us and when it feels threathened it attacks and takes the next victim. The creepy smile it had is another reason why i believe this, its smiling because it sees u doing that when we are happy but its creepy because it does not understand how smiling actually works. Why does it use an axe? Again my headcannon: it doesn’t like what it is so when it kills it tries to imitate humans and make the killing seem human.

  8. I think it's supposed to be something similar to an SCP where it's origin is unknown but it has been living on Earth or at least this reality. It probably wasn't human because it struggles to walk normally and is much faster when he's twisted around upside down crawling so the tentacle thing inside of it is most likely it's actual body. The Unknown being a parasite could explain it's weird personality because it could keep the memories of previous hosts'. Maybe the Unknown had been existing with humans in plain sight but eventually it's memory became overloaded and caused it to become what it is today.

  9. I like how characters that come from the Withered Isle have weird or unknown origins. Dredge is unknown as to WHAT it is but we know it manifests through Mal-Think.
    Unknown we actually just don't know anything. It's undefined other than the form it takes of a broken, twisted man. And it only manifests when it is talked or researched about.
    Monsters of the Isle seem to be manifestations based off all things that can become negative. Thinking, talking, etc.
    They spawn from negativity & darkness. They're culminations of collective negative energy. I think that's why the Entity prefers to take these beings because once they sense any form of mal-thought or speech they will come and harvest that negative energy


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