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#DBD #dbdkiller
I need those thumbnails
And the build too
Thumbnail game
It's funny that in two games there was Sheva and in both games she was an obsession)))
Been seeing another YouTuber play Skull Merchant with Superior Anatomy, Save the Best for Last, Game Afoot, and Jolt. What are your thoughts on this build?
When are we getting another 3 meta builds?
Glad to see someone else loves chasing builds on skull.
I use same build but sometimes i swap out jolt with deadlock or sloppy butcher. Been using sloppy butcher lately cause i wanna get use to it when the healing nerf comes out plus it slows healing in general
Jesus Christ Chris knows how to bring the views by putting skull merchants thickness in the thumbnail
Could you do some twins?
Chris I still think you’re hot even though you play Skull Merchant
Clicked the video just to say she's still a garbage killer
The speed boost you were getting was only 5%. 2% from the readout and 3% from the survivor at the loop inside the drone radius. A bit more here and there with other survivors inside drones but still. The Rotor is a really weird addon that doesn't actually do anything with drones you place but instead requires the drone be reactivated by a survivor in order to get its benefit. Goes to show you just how paramount 5% can really be in a chase though.
I needa buy her she looks pretty fun to use ngl
I've used a similar build too. Lots of fun.
I'm glad with the meta shifting. As chase builds are more fun to play.
I was thinking about a slow healing build with the Cenobite: Gift Of Pain, Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, A Nurse's Calling.
Thumbnail Merchant
Thanks for the build dude! I struggle in chases with her or they last so long. Excited to try this out.
Those thumbnails
thumbnail got me putting the the new forgis on the jeep
Its time for some more skull merchant booty
Yeah nice build, played it yesterday and guess what, they predropped 30 Gideon pallets and i just lost. Extra kick speed is nice only on paper and in situation where you have few pallets only. They have to do something about ammount of pallets and their godlyness.
I think Chris already learned how to get viewers' attention with his thumbnails.
(I don't mind ngl)
Yo Chris you should do this build again but swap out the rotor with the addon that makes survivors hindered, and put in play with you food in place of Jolt
My favorite builds for m1 killers are 1v1 builds, this must feel so smooth to play with
Man. I've never played dead by daylight but godamn.
Pls no