The New Gen NUKING Build Is INSANE! | Dead by Daylight

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19 thoughts on “The New Gen NUKING Build Is INSANE! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I vs a 4man swf like this. The perks werent the same but they did have the storing up perk and all brand new parts with tool boxs and they slammed gens in like 2mins bam all gens done. I literally didnt even try i just let them walk out i couldnt be bothered lol

  2. Man that Wesker was just being a dick from the start. Idk why you'd even bother to queue up as killer if your intention is to play in a way that is scummy from the very beginning of the match. I mean people are allowed to play how ever they see fit I just think it's a bit scummy to play like he did from the very start of the match for literally no reason. It would have made sense if he was camping at end game though.

    Also damn that new perk seems insane πŸ˜‚.


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