The New Iron Will Is Insane – Dead by Daylight

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The New Iron Will Is Insane – Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be using the new and improved iron will, hope you all enjoy


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32 thoughts on “The New Iron Will Is Insane – Dead by Daylight”

  1. bro i just went through a whole no mither swf that kept bullying me and had utility flashlights blinding me going into me and ds it was insane i was a blight btw

  2. So everyone is crying about the Trickster B Tier Buff but Iron Will was S Tier and is now in Ultra OP Tier as the single best Perk in the entire Game and no one mentions that?

  3. The spirit nerf is not good. Iron will completely counters her base kit. That’s not game balance. The fact she needed strider to buff her base kit says a lot about balance in the game. It’s now bring iron will and laugh at the spirit. She can’t see you now she can’t hear you.


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