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The New Iron Will Is Insane – Dead by Daylight
In today’s video we are going to be using the new and improved iron will, hope you all enjoy
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Do you think this Nea skin looks better or worse? Also the first game was recorded before the update
المقطع اسطوري
bro i just went through a whole no mither swf that kept bullying me and had utility flashlights blinding me going into me and ds it was insane i was a blight btw
Stridor nerfed, what is good for now? Nothing, what a joke, do the devs even care about killers? No they don't.
why does you perks look different, it's a more pink-ish colour
I don't think they needed to change Iron Will, if anything they needed to do something to make Stridor more viable.
I honestly felt that Blight at the start, those are the sort of matches that make you want to throw in the towel.
How do you change your perk colours?
That blight was skilled
Hey man I was the ace in that game with Wraith, gg man, unlucky about the gen jockey team mates 🙁
You using the Stranger Things theme?
bro ur like the king of jukes and loops😂
So everyone is crying about the Trickster B Tier Buff but Iron Will was S Tier and is now in Ultra OP Tier as the single best Perk in the entire Game and no one mentions that?
Wait was it changed again? Because I thought strider vs iron will would make breathing at twenty five percent
The spirit nerf is not good. Iron will completely counters her base kit. That’s not game balance. The fact she needed strider to buff her base kit says a lot about balance in the game. It’s now bring iron will and laugh at the spirit. She can’t see you now she can’t hear you.
Why do u never run adrenaline? your always running the killer.
I love when u put the killers builds after match . That is a very nice move (:
what shaders are you using to make your game look that way
I use the same outfit as you and I don't like the new face
I really want to see you attempt a match or two on mobile 😂😂😂 please do it for the laughs
Damn that teamate that got you from the basement was a true homie
pause at 8:08
So iron will didn’t get buffed strider just got nerft
Plays 3 matches against no stridor so it doesn't even matter
the killers have all day to chase him🤣i would’ve got tired after 2 minutes
You are great in looping. You make them nervous
6:43 imagine losing with that build
I don’t know if you remember and I came against you in a game while I was bubba and u and one other escaped. Gg it was 2 days ago
Twitch stream when?? I like your videos sm😩❤️
Hey man just wanted to let you know that you helped me improve my gameplay drastically, keep up the vids and thank you!
I wish they made it so plague can’t hear you coughing and barfing when equipped with iron maiden
Ggs I remember this game i was the kate in the first game n I was memeing tryna wiggle off in main 😂😂 sorry bout that but great vid