The NEW Juggernaut Xenomorph Is Absolutely Wild | Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with some Xenomorph gameplay using its new ‘Juggernaut’ cosmetic. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

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0:00 Intro
0:27 Match 1
8:01 Match 2


18 thoughts on “The NEW Juggernaut Xenomorph Is Absolutely Wild | Dead By Daylight”

  1. It would be cool if the tail was positioned at the top middle instead of up and to the side to make aiming easier after all who cares about seeing the weapon well if this happens because of it.

  2. Yeah Xeno's tail on the screen is actually helpful for aiming, you can use it to have a better clue of where it'll hit. You can also drag it downwards so ducking doesn't really work if you do that (you need to hit over the pallet/window and then drag down)
    Really love the skin! I think I might get it lol in the future.

    Sucks survivors give up so easily but at the same time, the game's balanced in a way that survivors benefit from being 4, and killer benefits form having one out early. Hopefully in like 10 years they'll realize that and make adjustments lol.

  3. I really do hope they adjust the tail at some point if they choose to. It's such an adjustment to aim because of how much real estate it takes up lol. Great video though dude! Always love to see Xeno love!

  4. Nah yall are OVERREACTING with that tail i came here to see if it really took up a bunch of your screen and THATS BARELY ANY MORE THAN REGULAR TAILS EVEN THE CLONE SKIN HAS A WORSE TAIL 😂😂😂😂

  5. I believe this skin is sort of like a conceptual one where it's a Xenomorph almost melding with the Juggernaught ship. Hence, why you can see discoloration and parts of a ship stuck in its body. I could be wrong but it looks like the normal tail spear is still there so that means the giant blade is a piece of scrap metal being used as a weapon.


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