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Yes i know i called Tapp Adam the whole game… im stupid
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W gameplay. Defly raised
Mad grit almost clutching it would have been soooo good hahaha
best end game with randoms tbh
I’m so glad you uploaded this one. Hot ass mess of a match 😂
Son unos QQGIRLS.Uno de los mejoress conciertos Mañas no 3 se l 💯💞😍
No way you already made this game into a video, saw the whole juicer live, live gang
Really good match. These are the kind of matches ppl should be hoping for when they load up
Ggs ma dude💪🏻
imaagine if dbd had a map of where shack and stuff is😂
Using boring perks like ds and dead hard and unbreakable is sad but good play
Amazing game:)
New matchmaking is actually fun!
Your thumbnail literally has you as a Red rank going against a silver. Of course it's fun for you, you're gonna be able to totally wash people at that rank.
The problem? Killers have it in reverse. When all the killers leave you can have your lvl 1 bots.
Omg….you are a PRO at JUKING. Jesus. Your teammates all finished 4 gens while Bubba was chasing you. MAD RESPECT. I suck at juking. </3
Coming from a killer main, I'm glad you guys survived. I've always hated Bubba for being so powerful and so silly to play, compared to, for example, any other S tier killer which actually requires skill.
And the fact that he was also face camping and tunneling, only makes it worse.
Bro you are funny, I am so glad the algorithm gods have blessed me with your channel 😂 you've earned a sub haha
typical bubba camper
holy shit, youre seriosuly on level with aryun. Keep it up!
I have no idea how you escaped but gotta say this was one of the most enjoyable dbd clips I've watched in a while. Gg wp make more 😀
It was fun to watch, but this is why I don't play it anymore. You either get horrible Killer players like this a lot or terrible teammates who don't help. Solo queues are a nightmare, plus the inside maps just make it a worse experience. You do get some good games every now and then, but the bad games definitely outweigh the good, at least for me. It's still nice to see good players nowadays so yeah nice work on kicking this fool's ass 😂
Bro the matches ive been getting in are soo weird like im in autistic servers now
Bruh he was so dedicated! Imagine fumbling the entire thing cause he got greedy hahaha!