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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
no plaything penti holy crap truetalent leveling up
This is like an Otzdarva build
Artist is the strongest anti loop
This isn’t really beating the survivors because they are using a social style of game play which is not allowing other survivors to die on hook. You hook camped and tunnel killed which makes the game intolerable and unenjoyable if you’re playing survivor. These survivors are not playing realistic or seriously because the smart thing to do was leave her and do the gens. You just caught the bot survivor off guard when they were playing socially not seriously 😢
really hope forced hesitation never becomes popular, its my favorite perk, would hate to see it get nerfed lol
Im telling ye tru3….leverage my friend. Use it more. Youll see. Truly a hidden gem. Killers that can traverse tho, ofcourse….my twins build IS twins meta haha. Yea i was that guy
Seems interesting but I think it won't be as successful all the time. It's a neat idea though very vulnerable to Sabo
New meta just dropped!
DBD Survivors will all be yapping rn
forced is perfect for my tunnel build. Not only does it slow them down but It also last the exact same as bt so you have a visual indicator of when you can swing
i mean, forced hesitation and infectious fright is a combo. haunted ground and any hex really. monstrous shrine and make your choice or blind perks like third seal is a combo. i still have no idea wtf the point of hangmans is.
Forced hesitation with thrilling tremors on billy or Oni/leatherface is kinda crazy, give it a go