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The HoundMaster is finally here on live servers! In this video I provide you with multiple matches using her NEW cosmetic. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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Now behaviour has no excuses, where's Victor Hat?
ughh he's handsomeee
Probably the orange gens are for an update in freddy powers so he can teleport to completed gend
She is fun but man the dog needs some fixes always when am trying to do the second hit he stops for no reason 😅
of course map offering DC 😂
Happy Thanksgiving fellas! We finally have Auntie Gloria in game!!
Auntie thick
Idk how you made the dog work so well, I played her for 5 matches and it broke multiple times in every single one lol.
The gens are orange to allow you to send your dog to completed gens. Before i think they were all the same color on the ptb,so players would accidentally send their dogs over to completed generators
hound master gets skins for dog already but no victor skins 😢
Behavior pulled a fast one. You could get this for 35000 shards and they took it down to make you pay with auric cells!
Nice play Renato
I really like this killer. Played her for 9 ish hours today and had a blast. Some bugs here and there, but won 70/80% today with her. Might become my 2nd main before Singularity! =)
Of all dog breeds they could have chose….
gunna say it, dog looks like shit. BHVR should be ashamed..
Speed. It's only 6m/s. That is like the speed of sprint burst for survivors.
Happy Thanksgiving! Also, I’m 21 now!
I’m not even exaggerating I played for about 5 hours and got all 4ks. I did disconnect mid match once and had like 3 survivors crawled to hatch. None of them were able to fully open the exit gates either. A good bit bled out due to me not being able to find them. If played right this killer is OP.
She incredibly god tier at applying pressure. But I wish the dog can attack when using the abilities. Like doggie found survivors now sick em at least
I find it funny that all the times you won, they didnt say gg back, yet when they completely destroy you with 3 out they say gg. I love how the dbd community is just filled with babies
No seriously, I hate the new yellow gen crap. Is that an official change or a glitch? Because it's such a waste of time. I keep checking to make sure it's not a gen thats about to pop.
Why, oh why an orange/yellow aura for completed gens? Did the devs at BHVR not realise that could be a problem if Houndmaster is running Jagged Compass, Surveillance, Call of Brine or Discordance? Not to mention the fact that event gens will also be bright orange.
Loads into a match… gets down first…. Dwight says “imma pull a true gamer move” rage quits and dcs
why are u using pain res with deadlock?
blocked gens don't get affected by pain res, also u may get weird dms – deadlock procs, bcs of having both
This killer needs a lot of work still. Too weak
Hi I have a question I'm trying to get into dbd an it has been hard T^T but out of curiosity is there a perk that allows survivors to when there picked up by the hunter allow them to not get hooked by the nearest hook T^T idk if it's a hack or a perk (btw I haven't played survivor yet)
What da hell is happening with the gen rush on this patch? It’s insane!
What da dawg doin
Why do i always look up when gpomh for a lunge?
I politely disagree this is a cool cosmetic but way too pricey for what it looks like. A mori incorporated would have made it S tier but its just meh