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Dead Man’s Switch is receiving a buff in Dead by Daylight’s Mid-Chapter update. Here’s some bug fix Nurse gameplay showing off why this Killer Perk is so strong now!
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Like the Nurse's buglist was bigger than every other killer's **feature** list lmfao. Jesus, the survivor mains hurt sometimes.
No one:
Behavior: We hear you so we'll buff Nurse and nerf Twins
Enjoy this perk until you can!
The weird noise that happens while stun that Dowsey is talking about, happens in dbdm
It's so obnoxious
This buff, Was an amazing buff by BHVR because of what it does for the perk.
It makes it viable and for me, who is a survivor main, theres nothing I hate more than facing the same killer perks over and over again, same when I do play killer, but on the survivor side.
And to those of you who might say I'm a salty survivor main, for what ever reason.. Dude, I run Ace in the Hole, Plunderer's, Pharmacy and Head on because its fun. I've died the last 8 games with the exception of one swf. I want variety, not lots of tinkerers and ruins or 'the best perks for killers'.
I for one, will be incredibly happy when I see this perk be used.
I feel like this is gonna be the new starstruck nurse, it's just so good
I feel like dead man’s switch with max terror radius doctor could be hella insane, hook into a static blast and hit any survivors on gens and boom they’re blocked
Yep, the best killer in the game just got buffed… anyway let's nerf pig
Isn't Dead Mans Switch a different version of Thrilling Tremors?
I never get excited for killer perks getting better because they’ll just get nerfed . Cause we can’t have great things
Dead Man's Switch might be one of the best perks in the game, especially if you pair it with certain killers that can easily pressure multiple generators, i.e. freddy, artist or blight. Take The Artist for example. If you run DMS with BBQ & Chilli, you can hook a survivor, see which gens are being worked on, and force the survivors off of up to 3 generators, blocking them for the entire duration of dms. THAT IS INSANE.
Can someone explain the Nurse fix to me?
A minute of silence for those who sees bugs fixed as a buff to the nurse. 🙏🏻
I really thought nurse would of been harder to play but I managed to get a 3k with only thana in mid to high MMR, the fact I was able to almost 4k with 1 tier 1 perk really shows you how's she's so strong when fully built and more experienced
awesome videos dowsey! i admire the amount of work that goes into the editing. you pay a lot of attention to quality and it shows!
Dowsey i found glitch in ptb (With Nurse you cant blink up to secound stage a saloon (Dead dawn map)) pls tell be havior thats a BIG problem if you feel im wrong try it
ah yes my favorite perk "Pain Hook Surge of Residence" 12:37
deadman switch + ruin? oh wait eruption..
Nurse holds this game and many perks back so much. Kinda wish they would completely rework or do away with her.
Been seeing a lot of people run Cruel Limits wonder why
hey Dowsey!. wouldn't grim embrace, corrupt intervention or surge/jolt work better then infectious fright? Just Asking.
I imagine the new dead mans' switch would work great on Doctor with his static blasts too
How do I make the score event number white in the top left? It's really hard to read when it's red for me
bhvr is gonna nerf this perk watch either reducing the time on dead man or give it tokens so limited uses bummer because survivors dont like a challenge or making it so dead man no longer works with the scorge perk
Calling it now.
They're gonna nerf DMS by reducing the duration of it
@8:20 Dowsey was pisssed lololol clean hits
I’m too smooth brained to play Nurse, so watching anyone play nurse and get more than 1 kill is fascinating.
Great vid
Watching Dowsey realize things in live time is hialriously amazing. Man knows his DBD 😅
im so unhappy that this looks like a blast to play and will never see live servers…BHVR will nerf the fuck outta this now LOL but nice build
New meta? Calm spirit it is!
0:47 Scourge Hook has eruption icon
I think honestly that dead mans switch is completely fair, especially since boons didnt get touched, something to keep people off of gens is kinda needed since you cant do that with healing anymore since everyone can heal within 16 seconds without a medkit or perks to heal as long as 1 survivor has it
Anything killers think is helpful eventually gets nerfed so good luck
You’ve changed the title like 3 times lol chill out 😂
Unlike Dowsey, I suffer from kickagenaphilia, which I’d argue is much more debilitating.
come on man, dont jinx it, you know how bhvr is, they will always remove whatever in the game is fun and actually good in the game (;
I feel like nurse should get fatigued if she gets stunned after blinking. They don’t really need to get rid of ALL counterplay against her.
Why doesn’t he just look away from the flashlight?
Note for editor: you used the wrong icon for "Scourage hook".. you used the eruption icon instead of the actual one..