The Nurse is nerfed but nothing has changed | Dead by Daylight

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To absolutely nobody’s surprise, The Nurse is still broken and the most powerful killer in the game, regardless of being nerfed.
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22 thoughts on “The Nurse is nerfed but nothing has changed | Dead by Daylight”

  1. You're playing against a bunch of potatoes who run in a straight line or DC at the sound of a nurse blink. You're also playing the PTB in which the biggest update is the nurse, so survivors are probably sick of playing against a nurse in every game… They always go too far when they make changes. Here's an idea… survivors could just get better instead of crying about nurse 24-7. You're not going up against Supa Alf or KnightLight every time you get a nurse. Most nurse players are just average and can easily be beaten by a coordinated swf.

  2. she wasnt nerfed, she was changed. and some of her busted addons are buffed, not to mention she got new busted addons, the funny thing is how they stated that she is broken in the right hands yet they proceed doing nothing serious about it. the problem is her base power not her addons, if u want to make addons useful in this game they should nerf her base power then those addons should be able to make her as good as her current base. but that would be not a noob friendly for them. lol.


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