The Only Dead By Daylight Tierlist That Matters!

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We’ve seen an influx of new Dead By Daylight teirlists hitting the internet recently so I decided that it’s about time that somebody created the only Dead By Daylight tierlist that ACTUALLY matters…

So, here it is! Which survivors do not clean their ass?

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Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex

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38 thoughts on “The Only Dead By Daylight Tierlist That Matters!”

  1. I.. I don't know why I am. Here.. But.. I can't stop watching. What have you done?!

    I.. I don't know why I am. Here.. But.. I can't stop watching. What have you done?!

    Edit: David totally be clean there.. >_> total switchy boi.

    Felix is that guy who'd just use water and pull the pants up and be done with it.

    (I'm mainly waiting for Kate and Vittorio… >_>)

    …. Haddie I agree

    XD I like how Jake and the others are the that's it gang

    OH no.. Jeff… XD WHY DID I KNOW THAT hahaha! I died XD but Agreed.

    … Okay now to see where Kate goes… >_>….

    Kate was a singer and she has tattoos, she would have to be very clean. :I
    I no agree… With that one. Now to see what you do to my dear Vittorio

    Leon is a pure bottom. And in resident evil he's just a Dom bottom and that's it. He's a bottom. Power bottom!

    Never, Nancy I don't think would be top tier
    Where you put here is fine

    XD Nea I agree too

    Gremlin too short to be any higher than that xD

    Steve… XD I can't even. But I can see that

    Tapp prob wipes because he got no time for it

    Now.. Don't you ruin our fashionable lord Vittorio… >:c… NO!
    Vittorio doesn't go to battle, he's against violence and all. I can see him make sure to look fancy (not at all to look pretty for a certain knight…. >_>)

    I am all the way at the top XD I might be a guy but I learnt hygiene and the importance of it.

    Finally someone else who dislikes Yun Jin…

    Dwight is a bottom… He'd be all the way at the top.. He gotta be clean.

  2. Rebecca Chambers was 18 when the events of RE0 & RE1 take place. I am guessing that’s when sge was taken by the lazy writing known as The Entity.

    As a medical officer, I am certain she would be very well aware of the importance of hygiene. In all its forms

  3. Ok, so for starters you saved yourself of one less person unsubscribing because you didn’t do my Kate an injustice. Secondly, she didn’t come from Texas, she came from Pennsylvania 😂

  4. I would say Rebecca owns a Bidet. She is a medical prodigy and one of the smartest people in RE lore, even by the time of RE1. She probably makes sure she's super clean because that's the kind of vibe I would get from a medicine/first-aid nerd.

  5. I'm actually about to unsubscribe to you man you honestly think you're f**** funny putting Ash Williams in the worst tier possible I swear man Ash Williams should be up 1 tier, he may not have a "full soapy wash routine" but he's still not that disgusting man

  6. Well my brother only uses the bidet and does not use toilet paper, but I have seen him bend over and it's not pretty. My boyfriend is very clean he does not have a bidet attachment like we do but if he has a number two he will use soap and water in the shower.

  7. I disagree with Gabriele, I dont think they wipe or clean just because in the future everything is likely automated, so because everything is automated I'd assume they dont know how to because that's been automated out of common knowledge.

  8. Nah, you’re not fully correct with why Quentin pulls his trousers up, because you see, he’d fall asleep on the toilet, and next thing you know, he would wake up and forget he was on it. Although him being a bit of a gremlin is true, truth be told he’d forget to wipe due to his grogginess.

  9. i think youre missing the biggest part of Kates Lore. you said Jane(I think that's who it was) is on tv and the news so she gets her self clean, yet Kate is a country music star/performer. shes not going on stage with a dirty ass haha

  10. LOL! Hi Aaron, that was a funny video, as a Laurie Strode Main I'm super happy that you put her on the top of your list, I can't wait to see the Killer version of this list. Also would you please do another list for both Survivor and Killer, Which Survivor/Killer is more likely to dress up for Halloween? Please do this one as a video. Thank you so very much Aaron and have a great day today. 😊 😊


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