The Onryo is getting buffs | Dead by Daylight

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BHVR released some information regarding the recent PTB and some changes they are making to The Onryo before she makes it to live servers. Let’s breakdown the changes made in this recent Dead by Daylight update!
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16 thoughts on “The Onryo is getting buffs | Dead by Daylight”

  1. My question is.
    Is her Condemmed status bound to Terror radius on porting to a TV?
    If so thats a bis shit. Its already hard enough to get that shit up it seems.
    And as you said. You can ignore that stuff without a problem. And if the Onryo ports like stupid she plays nonoptimal anyways.
    We need some passive Condemmed stuff. Maybe while in area of a working tv to encourage interact with tvs. That wojld be kinda cool.
    That way yoi cant really ignore it and have to manage Condemmed more.

  2. The buffs are nice but I don’t think they’re going in the right direction at all.

    -The manifest reduction time is silly. The demanifest I can get, but 1.5 seconds to leave stealth with little slowdown—that’s too much. I would’ve greatly preferred if they just kept the channel time as is and in return removed the small speed debuff she gets while manifesting.

    -The Terror Radius reduction makes no sense. Like, why bother reducing the TR on a Killer who has literal constant access to the Undetectable status effect? Moreover, I feel with the way her stealth power works, a small TR may actually render it obsolete—Sadako has a sound cue when she’s near you in stealth, meaning that even while demanifested, she effectively has a bit of a Terror Radius. With that in mind, having a 24 meter TR at base really makes me think: Just running MnA on would probably be on similar levels of stealthiness to her actual stealth power, only I don’t have to manifest to interact with Survivors. So, like… if this does turn out to be the case, I why would I EVER use her stealth power when just running Monitor is literally better?

    -The Condemned changes are nice, but it doesn’t address why the status effect, and Sadako as a whole, is underwhelming: The ease of turning off TVs, and the insane punishment Sadako receives in turn. Even with the changes to the VHS tape, you could still feasibly turn off 3 or 4 TVs for 60 seconds each and only have 1 out of 7 Condemned stacks to show for it. Add on to the fact that each TV has a cooldown of almost 2 minutes whenever Sadako actually uses it, and the real reason you’re not getting Condemned stacks isn’t because the VHS tape is too slow—it’s because the TVs are.

    Overall, these buffs are very BHVRish in that they are completely unnecessary and will only really serve to make Sadako feel overbearing and oppressive in a chase without actually addressing what was really wrong with her. Almost everything about her power was FINE except for the TV cooldown, and the TV cooldown was the ONE thing they didn’t look at.

  3. Some of these changes will definitely make her stronger but the condemned mechanic looks like it is still going to be practically useless.

  4. i still think the tv's should just passively generate a bar of condemned once every 40-60 seconds or something. people need more of an incentive to turn the damn things off.


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