The REAL Problem With Anti Tunnel Perks | Dead By Daylight

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and yes that was the real Tatariu I was sweating bullets when I saw it was him in the lobby lol


20 thoughts on “The REAL Problem With Anti Tunnel Perks | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Of dead hard is an anti-tunnel perk then so are all the exhaustion perks. Exhaustion perks are way better at anti-tunnel than anti-tunnel perks. You could get off the hook run away fast after triggering exhaustion perk and then plot twist in a corner. Perfect anti-tunnel

  2. Yeah but ds, otr go after you touch a gen and end game so like they arent doing anything to progress the game but i do get then chase thing since it is used like that. Nice vid πŸ™‚

  3. even tho im a killer main, the argument you provided "a nea waiting 30-40 secs injured with off the record" i mean yea if she wasted her 30-40 SECONDS OF HER TIME to just sit there and wait for flash saves without doing any objectives whatsover, if she does/did the endurance is blown off anyways.

  4. Here's 3 hot takes:

    1) Tunneling is an integral part of the game's design and cannot be removed without actually making the game worse. And I don't mean for killers, I mean for survivors, because the removal of that pressure tool would require killers to be buffed or survivors to be nerfed in a way that survivors would hate.

    2) Now that BT is partially basekit, perks are the best solution to tunneling. If you hate being tunneled, run those perks.

    3) Using anti-tunnel perks offensively is not misusing them. Even using the off-hook endurance to bodyblock is fine. There are times when you want to be tunneled, like if you can take another hook but the survivor you're protecting can't. Just don't complain if the killer tunnels you after you use your anti-tunnel tools to induce being tunneled, that's insanely entitled.

  5. I feel like off the record should be 90 seconds but go away right after the killer hooks someone else and I feel like ds should do the same so its actually a antitunneling perk

  6. Me when I get tunneled in solo queue: Darn. [goes to next match]
    Me when I tunneled while I'm in a SWF: Darn. [Spectates, act as an extra pair of eyes, and chat with my friends]

    Yeah, I think too many survivors overcomplain about tunneling. I understand that it can suck and I don't object to anti-tunnel perks, but it isn't as big of deal as some make it out to be.

  7. I do hate how you lose the endurance after touching a genβ€” like I’m kinda forced to wait or take chase again to even get value :// I wish I could work on a gen and keep the 80sec of endurance.

    Or they should edit it and make it that you lose 20 seconds if you touch a Gen. I feel like that’ll balance the wasted time

  8. See there's changes I've seen people say when you take a protection hit it shouldn't work but that would suck for survivors cause they'd be running someone pops up infront of them you get hit now you're down purely cause you accidentally ran into another survivor

  9. Hot take:
    -make ds deactivate when some else gets hooked
    -ds timer pauses while in a chase(ds is a second chance if you are tunneled, we literaly let the killer down us in the last 10 seconds of ds)

  10. DwightL unhooks Nea and runs to the exit gate to open it
    Nea: uses endurance and OTR to protect Dwight You'll have so much time to open the gate Dwight with my ANTI TUNNELING PERK!
    Tombstone Michael Myers: I'd like to see you try. Mori's the Nea and Dwight

  11. These are good intentions, but it does not take into account scenarios where another survivor tanks 2 hits for the one being tunneled. The killer might as well hook that survivor for a pain res and keep tunneling right after that.

  12. I understand the sentiment, but all of this is coming from the perspective of "people say I'm tunneling when I'm not, and therefore these perks should not have any function if I'm not doing my exact definition of tunneling."

    It's okay for survivors to have strong perks that work in multiple scenarios. It's okay for DS to function after someone else has been hooked. There's already balance in place and it's working as intended in the case of these perks.


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