The Retro Survivor Build – Dead by Daylight

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The Retro Survivor Build – Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be using an old school retro survivor build, hope you all enjoy!

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My perks are pink by installing a custom icon pack which is available on PC, the pack I use is the pink galaxy pack

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47 thoughts on “The Retro Survivor Build – Dead by Daylight”

  1. 3 out of 4 perks are still some of the best perks and remaining 1 perks(self care) has one of the highest use rate
    makes you question the balancing of bhvr through the years

  2. Self care is a must for solo queue. I’ve survived plenty of times thanks to it while looking for survivors to heal me would be dangerous.

    It’s also fun running it with resilience, 99ing it and baiting the killer into chasing thinking they have an easy down.

  3. Thanks for this lage upload i love your vidoes dude idk if you remember me but i love how you comentate as you play and teach love youuu!

  4. thank you for not uploading a video about the new ptb, there are too many videos already and its always annoying to watch 100 videos about the ptb

  5. The match at RPD is the reason I always look at the lobbies I am put into. Usually their shitty system puts me at first with idiots like those in the second match where they do stupid stuff and don't know basic thiings. Then I quit it and the game matches me with people who have double my hours for some reason, but it's 100% better than to play with Claudettes, Dwights and console plebs.

  6. Thats what i always say playing killer, you always have second chances yet survivour has to be played perfectly at the start or else you lose the game. Unless the killers plays very lenient and hooks everyone twice and all the survivours have adrenaline.

  7. when you are 50% on a gen and you sure that you can finish it,u can just do a small sprint .By the time is finished you will have it 99%. <3
    Killer :I will mind game you now does cute moonwalk


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