THE RIGHT PLAY! – Dead by Daylight!

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12 thoughts on “THE RIGHT PLAY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. as you rightly predicted, as more killers gets the nerf hammer, the less time killers have to commit to chases, because gens will get done if survivors are free to do them… this is high mmr play, after all…. survivor players will cry "camper/tunneler/slugger/no skill/baby killer", but what choice do killer players have?

    play the "fun for survivors" way and get rekt by survivors, making it unfun for the killer? or play the "right" way for a chance to win against them, making it worth the time to play as killer? or the third choice: dont play killer, and play survivor instead….

  2. Fully agree with Tru, if you want killers to play "fun" you need to make them strong enough to compete. Otherwise its gonna be 1-hook facecamps and slug fests for days because the killers just want those minimal kills.


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