The Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight

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The Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight

Edited and thumbnail by: @MadeByMew

Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build


29 thoughts on “The Top 10 Most UNDERRATED Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Great list! Personally, I don’t consider balanced landing underrated because it’s now one of the best exhaustion perks (RIP DH)

    Special shoutout to Deja Vu and Desperate Measures, two very underrated perks imo!

  2. Lots of underrated perks in this game but imo nothing even comes close to for the people. Its an anti slug and an anti tunnel built into a single perk, sure you have to injure yourself and its tricky in solo q but the potential this perk has is insane and should definitely be ran more

  3. Desperate Measures I think is another super underrated perk, it's super helpful in solo queue. I take it with me almost every match. When you're stuck with a team who doesn't do shit, and you're forced to get the unhook, it really comes in clutch. You can quickly unhook anyone and heal them relatively quickly, and it goes great with any healing build. It's super good against killers like Legion and it really helps against camping. If even a couple survivors are injured, you can easily unhook someone before the killer finishes their hit animation. Plus, by hitting you before the unhook, it just ups your unhook speed by another 14%, making the unhook even quicker. I can't tell you how many times this has helped me against campers.

  4. I'd add tencity as an underrated perk. The amount of value you can get with it when paired with unbreakable, lets you disappear a mile away if the time comes where the killer slugs you (which usually happens often). Hell you can even 99% your recovery and just crawl away and save your unbreakable if other survivors are around to pick you up

  5. Bond or Chemical Trap should have been the number 1 and 2 spots on the list, such good info on bond even when playing in SWF. And the strength of chemical trap is really annoying to deal with as killer, especially with its ridiculously easy requirement now

  6. one of the most underrated perks that literally no one talks about is reactive healing. u can heal mid chase if people take hits for u, for example when ur getting tunneled, or if the killer is slugging or snowballing, u can reset ur self easy for safety

  7. I would also throw Made For This in there. Yes, the perk is significantly weaker than before, to the point you may not get value at all from it a lot of games. (And since they’re buffing Genetic Limits and Blood Echo, which means it’s very easy to cause exhaustion now, I personally think they could revert this perk to its original state, but also having it deactivate if there’s another haste effect present. That way it’s not so broken and doesn’t stack with other haste perks. Which I think would make the perk in line with this chase meta the devs seem to be going with, like them buffing Quick Gambit. Which I like a lot.) much like the perks unbreakable, and we’re gonna live forever, when it works, IT WORKS. I’ve had matches before that would’ve been completely lost without this perk due to the endurance effect it gives. And of course the 3% haste is nice when a killer actually chases you when it procs lol.

  8. How the hell is one of the most used perks in the game underrated? I can understand everything else on the video, but We'll Make It it's like top 10 or 20 used survivor perks (actually, Bond is pretty high too, but yeah, it might be a bit more underappreciated), with that said, We'll Make It it's just one of the most praised and used perks in the game so every other perk could have fit perfectly that spot.

  9. Well make it + Second Wind is such underrated combo I often run it with Balance Landing and Windows so I have chase and healing build in one, and still after I heal someone I got free heal after being unhooked.
    The only downside of this build is the fact that in soloQ ppl try to unhook themself in front of us which could counter our perks but if they succeed I just don't heal them because it's disrespectful to unhook in front of me when I take my time to go for them instead of doing gens

  10. Bond is a staple in my builds, the level of knowledge you get from having it is ridiculous and even when playing with others unless everyone is a seasoned player that knows all the maps and does quality call outs it's still useful.

  11. I feel like deja vu is pretty underrated.

    Granted, i never see deja vu being called a bad perk, but i also don't see anyone run it anymore or really even mention it much either. Free gen speed for nothing more than existing? That time that you save DOES add up as the game goes on which makes it singlehandedly one of THE BEST gen rush perks imo.

    Deja vu, sprint burst, vigil, and whatever second gen speed perk i feel like is the build i use on kate and being able to quickly dash to a gen i get to complete faster with no downsides alone has won my team a good chunk of games.

  12. Desperate Measures counters hook trades, and the bonus healing is so helpful for healing pthers and yourself with a medkit. It's the #1 most underrated perk in my opinion.


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