The Toxicity In the Dead By Daylight Community Is Despicable

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30 thoughts on “The Toxicity In the Dead By Daylight Community Is Despicable”

  1. DBD is the crème de la crème of toxic people. Imo DBD has the most toxic community I've ever witnessed. People can't take a loss on a $30 party game LMAO the world we live in.

  2. As much as I like Absolved, can it really not be pointed out that he's…. a bit hairy, large, and in a basement doing nothing but playing video games, making angry people even more angry on the internet?

  3. In 4.4k hours I have acquired numerous DBD stalkers, many of which are pretty extreme. One of which stalked me for over a year before steam banned his account.
    He changed his name to mine. Went to my twitch to get a picture of me for his profile pic, photoshopped it to make my forehead big and give me a droopy eye (lol), posted on dozens of steam hentai games forums harassing people in some weird attempt to slander me (which is weird cuz im nobody), bought and made hilariously embarrassing steam reviews of dozens of furry and hentai games, harassed people on my friends list claiming to be me, made dozens of youtube accounts to downvote my videos and admitted this proudly, created a steam group dedicated to hating me, as well as posted near daily salt on my profile for over a year. I have some really funny screenshots of all this stuff, because it sounds bananas.

    Long story short, over one 10 minute DBD game, someone dedicated their entire account to stalking one person, so extremely that Steam stepped in and removed them, which kind of makes me sad, because it was like being the hero in a B movie where the villain is always fumbling his moves. I have a new stalker now who has stalked my profile for about 4 months now, but he only deletes his own comments to copy paste repost them.
    I have played competitive games for decades, and DBD definitely has the most stalkers of any gaming community.

  4. I was watching this live. I've seen a ton of pathetic salt on his stream (in chat or his PS inbox) the past year & change…. this is next level disgusting and malicious. Thanks for using your platform to present this so others can see it and shed light on a pressing issue.

  5. I've played CoD for probably longer.. I had the original and played it a LOOOOT.. Used to be in a clan that mostly played games like CoD mostly but also Battlefield games as well. But mostly CoD. It was a clan full of people who are in the military or those who are close relatives of people in the military.. We had some really good members and we have competed in tournaments several times. Won several of them.. But we have of course lost a few as well. Though we always ended late in the tournament in those… With one exception of when I was sick and we had a few other members who where not available..

    Seen a lot of good, but also seen angry people. Keep in mind, most of said people where fewer than most people probably would think since most of that toxic crowed was on the console versions till fairly recently. Even then it still pales… I would say original Dota, CS, and CS GO probably have worse communities than CoD. Perhaps also League of Legends. DBD is also really bad. I would for sure put it up there with the other games I am mentioning here. But I would not say CoD is more toxic. At least not PC side. ( Keep in mind, I have not played the last.. 2 or 3 CoD games so I do not know how those are. I have also not played the last much of the Battlefield games past.. Forgot what one right now but it was before the one that came out based on WW1. Though I do have that game I just never played it.. Just cant seem to get myself to do it for one reason or another lol. )

    All that said.. This is where I need to say something important.. He needs to go to the police in his area, ( non emergency call ) let them know that hes a youtuber/streamer. Let them know what happened and how you feel its possible that he could end up with something being done. It could be anything from them sending him something in the mail, being there themselves/sending people over.. Swatting.. Ect.. If they see everything is on the up and up, there is a lesser chance of actually being swatted, along with it possibly being rough if they still go ahead with it.

    Unfortunately I know how things can be with a stalker. ( I have had several… and by those. I mean credible ones that could have.. and actually did do harm in a few cases.. Some did not get to that point thankfully but there was one in particular that I am soo thankful I had people that would not back down when it comes to trying to find me.. ) You can not play around with this sort of thing especially if you can tell for sure they know where you live, and the threats they are making are credible.. If they are the kind that will do that..

  6. I was up late on New Years Eve and played my First Multiplayer Game Match of 2022
    It wasn’t 1 Hour into 2022 and I got T-Bagged by an Injured Bunny Feng on Death Hook standing on the Hatch, and the rest of his team were vibin with the Entity

  7. I saw his tweet about this last night. How sad do you have to be to go out of your way to harass someone like this over a videogame. This community has truly went down the gutter and I've been in it since 2017 and have watched it get worse and worse. The devs won't do anything about the player who threatened him and instead of moving on to his next match, he decided to cause an entire soap opera of a situation.

    I'm glad I barely play Dead By Daylight anymore. I'd much rather play VHS and speed run all the Resident Evil games again and focusing heavily on my Wrestling training like I have been lately.

    Hope Spook takes legal action or further takes this so that the perpetrator can see that his actions and threats truly have consequences. Maybe then that'll bring some excitement to their miserable sewer-dwelling lives.

  8. Honestly, this is the kind of shit that makes me wish my channel took off rather than being dead for 4+ years and that I COULD stream just so I can dick with these kinds of people. Buncha assholes.

  9. Imagine committing a federal crime over a video game. This community is easily the most pathetic cluster of degenerate heaps of recessive genes that do nothing with their lives other than stink up their mother's basement with crusty hot pockets and ball sweat on their nut stained clothes.

  10. The dbd community is absolutely despicable. At this point playing killer how you want is dangerous because of psychopaths like that. Literally wanting to get people potentially killed because of 1 match of dbd these people need to be checked on because they're dangerous.

  11. I am personally surprised that I've only seen toxic chats as of late. I've had 2 people wish coivd upon me and my family. 1 telling me to die, and 1 called me trash killer but thats p normal

  12. I'm not a big streamer, youtuber, don't even have "ttv" in my name and in this community I've been harassed, booted offline, streamed sniped etc. Scary stuff! I hope Spook N Juke and his family is safe🙏🏽

  13. see thats a crime. this person even THREATINING these actions, are criminals. DDosing is a crime too, warranting prison time. too bad these people will never be caught.

  14. I got a 3/4 kills with legion and was invited to the survivors party afterwards. Three of the survivors just trash talking me and being as rude as they could be. Didn’t bother me but it just shows people can’t handle the game, me and my team lose as survivors constantly and don’t complain


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